Chapter 8: "Double dates... Seriously?"

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"Okay now that the two of you are here, who is going to spill first?"Leana asked concerned.

"Spill what? That we are dating or the fact that my girlfriend was about to cheat on me with some waiter called Leo I guess?" Jackson said

"First his name is Liam Second We. Are. Not. Dating."I told him

"Yeah yeah whatever help you sleep tonight. " Jack muttered.

"Okay. Couple problems. I see." Luke said."What do you think about a double date me, Lea, Jack and Claire."

"Hay!I'm here." Tristan said

"Well next time you will come when you will have a girl to bring. So what do you think?" Luke asked.

"Double dates... Seriously? Jack and I aren't even dating." I stated.

"Doesn't matter, it will be fun. Here's the plan Saturday, 6 pm we will have dinner at some restaurant than we will go to a Bowling club nearby. Jackson  and Claire will basically come along and Luke, you will pick me up. Next time Tristan." Lea said half ordered. I eventually agreed, they didn't give me a choice.

_The Next Day At School, Lunch time_

Finally lunch time I closed my locker, while walking to the cafeteria I bumped Into Merla. Great!

"Look who it is, The player's new toy. Claire no need to lie to me, everybody know that you and Jackson are dating for about a month. He said it himself .Hahahahahahahahahah." she laughed evilly and walked away. Well that was quick.

I may have talked a little too quick.

"You really think Jackson would fall for someone like you?" Savannah asked coming from behind me. "Pathetic you, if you dated him you won't become popular or rich or pretty. So leave him alone and win some time he will break up with you less than a week later."

" You didn't break up already?" I asked her.

"We did. Why?" she asked suspension in her voice.

"Nothing important. just making sure he wasn't cheating on you with me this time." I said as I pushed her away and walked off.

Entering the cafeteria, I could feel everyone gazes on me , At that specific moment an Idea popped in that head of mine. I walk toward the popular and athletics kids table, put my hand around Jack's neck and whispered to him to follow me. He followed my request and we both left towards the hallways.

"What are you doing doll?" He asked confused.

"remember that favor you  asked?" I answered.

"If you're taking about the one I asked you not to long ago, Yes I remember. Is everything alright?"

"Well I will help you. And we will act as if we were dating. I also accept to do everything it's takes to make Ms. 'I'm rich, popular and perfect' to believe it."

"And what made you change your mind that quickly?" He asked still confused.

"None of your business. So what am I supposed to do now?"

"Well I already told my friend that we are together. And do not ask me why. The only person to know that we are step siblings are Merla, Lea, Tristan and Luke. I told Merla that you lied about the whole story because you wanted our relationship to stay secret. The others won't say anything, technically they ship us. So the next step is for you start sitting with us at lunch, and for us to spread some PDA."

"  whatever but we are not kissing"

"Claire, Claire, Claire.." he scoffed.

A\N: very small chapter sorry. And sorry for taking long to upload.


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