Chapter 7: Jealousy:

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Jackson's pov:

After my dad payed for their dresses, we went to a dinner near the mall. Like the morning Dad and Eva sat next to each so Claire and I sat across for them, next to each others. Minutes later the waiter came our direction.

"Welcome, I'm Liam, and I'll be your waiter today. Are you ready to order." He said not take his eyes from my Claire. My fist clenched under the table anger running through my veins. What was happening to me? Is that Jealousy? Why on earth would I be Jealous? 

Because you like her idiot. My mind reminded me.

"Mm yes." dad said " I will have a chicken kebab platter. Eva?"

"I'll have a green salad." Eva said looking at Claire.

"Oh I'll take the mozzarella sticks and and french fries." She said, looking at Liam. He responded with a smile. 

"And I will have the turkey burger with french fries aside. Thanks." I said, looking straight at Liam holding my anger in. 

" Any drinks?" He asked still checking my doll out.

"Hmm 2 Pepsi and 2 orange juice.please  " Eva said. What could I expect less from a dietitian?

"Okay, your order will be ready in a few minutes." Liam said still smiling at Claire and left. 2 steps ahead he turned his head to look at Claire on more time.

" You might break your neck like that." I thought out loud.


Dad, Eva and Claire looked at me like If they want an explanation. 

"What? You didn't saw how he looked at Claire?"

"Well it's not your business how he looked at her." Dad stated. If only they knew how I felt. If only.

Claire's pov:



I just had the chance to get myself a Boyfriend but that jerk had to ruin it . Who does he think himself my dad, brother, boyfriend.

After Lunch we went back home and I called Lea, I didn't have time this morning and I need to know everything about her date with Luke. Best Friend Goals. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hey girl I need to know everything about your your date so spill."

"Everything Everything. If yes come over There is a looottt of talking plus you have to tell me about you and Jackson."

"There is nothing between me and that jerk."

"Uh huh sure. Get your ass here or don't talk to me."

" Kay, coming just give me 5 min." I hung. Why the hell is she thinking there is something between us?

I arrived at her apartment and didn't had to knock. The door was open , I entered immediately and guess what?

If you guessed I saw Lea and Luke on the couch making out halve naked your right. If not don't worry I wouldn't had guessed too.

"Eww, Now I need to wash my eyes. Get a room guys." I exclaimed cutting their session. 

"Well it's my apartment... soo..."Lea said

"How did you Enter Claire?" Luke asked totally surprised.

"You left the door opened, plus I have a spare key, for emergencies... So last night went well I see."

"Yeah it did." lea said," Okay so now spill."

"Spill what?" I asked. Like I came to tell her about some jerk only find her kissing his best friend. Speaking of best friend goals.
"That you and Jackson are-" just as she was about to continue when Luke phone rang, the boy immediately answered and whispered something into her ear that I couldn't hear, she just noded.
"Okay man I'll send you my location.... yeah yeah she said it's fine... nope only us are here... come On you know we can keep a secret.... okay okay see u man" Luke ended his call.
"Who was it?" I was curious okay?! I needed to ask him who is coming.
"No one that important." Lea answered with that smile of hers that never ment good to me.
5 min later of hearing Lea and Luke flirting and giggling, hopefully it made them forget about whatever they've been asking me, the door rang. Luke went to open it.
"Hey man you made it, you too." Luke said.
"So I see that you live here now."a familiar voice said.
"Maybe right babe.?"Leana said."Come in guys"
I walked through the kitchen just as their guests entered the living room. They immediately started talking, and when I entered the living room as well I was about to drop my glasses of water.
"What is she doing here you told me that it's only the two of you." Jack said

"I didn't said only the two I said Us and Us mean two or more persons."Luke said.

"It doesn't matter right now. Right?" Tristan asked. He's here to? What the hell?

A\N:Short chapter buuuuttt NExt chapter s coming soon. 

I hope.

 love u all 


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