Chapter 10: accidents

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I woke up in white room with people dressed in white, probably doctors and some other people I didn't recognize.

"She's awake. Dad! Eva! She's awake." one of the strangers said. He had black hair and blue eyes. He looked twenty. A red-haired woman with a younger girl in her arms who looked about 4 years old and a black-haired man came in running. 

"Clarity! Honey your awake! We've missed you a lot." The woman said.

"Sorry, but who are you ma'm? And who's Clarity?" I asked. Like I don't even know her.

"I'm..I'm your mother. Don't freak me out like this young lady." 
"But I don't know you ma'm..."

" Miss Jones, I'm sorry but your daughter had lost her memory ." A doctor interrupted me," she might gain it back but it'll take time."

So let me recap what I understand, looks like my name is Clarity, the red headed woman is my mom, I lost my memory....... And that's it. I think. 

And just like that the woman fell just when the older man caught her.

" What is happening here? Can someone explain please." I finally said.

" I will. Dad take Eva and Valeria home. " the younger man said. The doctors and nurses left us as well as my mother the man and little girl. Honestly the little girl look like my mother, I wonder if she's my sister. " Soo, your name is Claire and not Clarity if you're wondering. The red-headed woman is your mother, Eva. The little girl is our sister, Valeria, she's 4. The man is my father, Christopher. And I'm your ex-boyfriend, and step-brother, Jackson also called Jack." he explained in on breathe.

"Ewww. I dated by step-brother. How gross?!" I stated while Jack looked at me like I have 3 heads.

"It was  my idea. And It's my fault we're here too. I decided to take you on a date, on the way back some drunk driver hit my car. I only got a few wounds but you..... You went in a coma for 4  years and a half. Our parents got married now but you weren't there. You weren't because of me. You missed your graduation because of me. You missed your 18th birthday because of me. I destroyed your life, your dreams.I'm so sorry doll."  he said crying.

"Hey Jack, it's not your fault. You didn't know it would happen. Nobody did. What I missed doesn't matter now. Once I'm out of here, I'll see what I can do. Let talk about something other than me. Ummm. How about you, do you have any girlfriend now? Or what major are you studying? And Valeria, what is she like? Will she see me as her sister?" I asked

"You didn't change always asking. So yes I have a girlfriend. I'm studying sociology. Valeria is fun and nice, Eva always says she's a copy of you and I couldn't more agree. and don't worry she already see you as her older sister and always ask to come and see you. she also ask about you.Like a lot."he replied. Just on clue the doctor entered and told us we can sign some paper and leave. And because Jack was 21, I will be 21 in 2 moths, credits for info to jack, he signed the papers, then we left.

A\N: Merry Christmas everyone. 

Sorry I didn't post  I had exams. Hopefully there over for now.

Small chapter just to keep you updated. Hope you like it.


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