Act 1;; Googly Eyes

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My classmates were stunned to see me walking into the room, they were surprised that even after the photos of Minho and I released, I wasn't afraid to show myself in public. A woman on the train over whispered to her friend that if she were me, she would've hidden away in the corner of her apartment to hide from the pained fans. And it did scare me a little, but so far, I haven't had anything happen to me just yet. Maybe because Minho asked his fans to respect our privacy, but he told me later on that fans began to send in confession letters with clear explanations as to how they'd make better girlfriends than I did.

I actually wanted to tell those fans and my fellow classmates that I was lying about the whole relationship and that I wasn't actually Minho's girlfriend.

But I couldn't.

Instead, I marched in, fingers curled and clenched tightly onto the straps of my backpack. I didn't like their judgmental eyes or their whispers, but I managed to make it to a seat next to Yurin, the one girl in my class full of soon-to-be teachers that didn't judge me or believed everything in the tabloids and defended me, and well, she knew me since High School and she knew Minho too, so she was quite a pal.

"Ya!" She hissed as soon as I faced her. "How dare you not tell me about you and-"

"-Shhh!" I slapped at her arm. "Yurin, I'll tell you later, it's hard to explain."

Okay, maybe I lacked to explain that Yurin was also my close friends too - if it wasn't so obvious already. My circle of friend co-mingled with Minho's, hence why a majority of my friends and his friends went crazy in our inbox about the craziness of what we just did to ourselves.

"You better. If you two held out on me then I'd definitely not be happy about it."

"I swear I'm not."

She glared at me, her nose raised up to the air and snorted at my response, she waved around her blue pen in one hand and used her other to fiddle at the end of her color-of-the-month, blond hair. She was always the prettiest one of the group, fashionable and always in the trend, but to be honest, her rude and strong princess-complex was a big off, which is why she barely stayed in long relationships. Yurin and I only became close due to her friendship with Hyomin, who happened to be my best friend.

Who knows what she will be like when she officially becomes a teacher.

"Yurin," I giggled at her reaction. She prepared herself to say something very snappy, but she was interrupted by the lecturer for the class.

Throughout the whole hour in the lecture, the girls behind me tossed notes my way, the guys did the same and one winked at me oddly as he thought I was a female hermit under a rock. So maybe I was a private person, maybe I didn't like to talk about myself or tell secret and final layer of personal information to people I wasn't close even to, and maybe my lack of interest in being super duper social like Yurin gave that impression. I don't know, but some of the notes I managed to take a glimpse of dissed me, some questioned and wanted to gossip, while the little few congratulated me.

Yurin intercepted a few of the notes to read them, and she scribbled on a few responses and passed them back. I only managed to peek on a few, and I can actually hear the way she would say them too, the sassiness of each word.

It was actually quite ridiculous.

Why couldn't people leave me alone?

By the end of it, I piled the notes and slipped them in the middle of my textbook to show Minho later on when I had to meet him and watch one of his filming at the advice of their management so I knew what I got myself into. My ideal Tuesday evening was usually spent at the restaurant, working with Hyomin and her family, but no, I called in to miss work and I'd be going to live shows and whatever the heck idols do in their schedules, plus, apparently, I have to attend a (very late) special class with Minho at the order of his and SHINee's management about how to deal with the media or something like that. I complained to Yurin about it as soon as we walked out of the lecture hall, and she called me boring and plain without hesitation.

Cheesy;; Choi Minho FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora