Act 17;; Somebody

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The days rolled by and it was slow. Every night was filled with video chats and mornings were text messages.

And one night, during work, I watched a live Japanese show at the restaurant, and sad to say, I felt miserable seeing his face on the television screen instead of in person. We barely talked in the past two weeks since submitting my application, and it made me stress out not talking to someone about it. I mean, I had Hyomin and Yurin, they knew how anxious I felt waiting for the call. They both also knew I was feeling blue.

I won't lie about how much I miss Minho.

He barely sent messages anymore, hardly called and we rarely video chatted. I made a promise to myself not to revolve my life around him, continuously reminding myself that - even if he had a choice - he wouldn't be able to do the same for me. We both had commitments, both needed to live without each other. Reality was a cold and heartless, and I couldn't believe how much it caused a distraction for me.

I never used to miss him this much.

Then again, we never dated until now.

Minho was on television, he sat alongside his fellow group members, speaking a lot of Japanese during an interview of their upcoming album and promotion. I had no idea what they were talking about, but thank goodness for the subtitles spread across the bottom. The topic, as usual, switched to personal ones. A topic which became a lot more common since news of Jonghyun dating - and breaking up - with Shin Se Kyung came to public.

A lot worst since I made Minho fake a relationship with me to fool the media.

And as Minho often explained, "It's all part of the job."

But what bugged me was the question. And I don't know if the translation at the bottom was wrong, but what interpreted for me was an insult towards me. So the interviewer asked Minho - "Why a nobody?"

No matter how many times I'd rewind and use the translator on my phone, asking Hyomin to clarify for me, it came across as a bad question. I suspected Minho thought the same because his expression twitched to a brief frown before he also clarified with the translator nearby.

She said the same thing - "Why a nobody?"

The interviewer even ranted on about the possibility of a nobody meeting a somebody and end up together, mocking the idea that two people could be together when their status wasn't the same. I got exactly what she was on about. I know I wasn't anybody famous or had done something to make me stand out. The more she rambled, the more my heart raced, the more my blood boiled and the more I was getting infuriated with all the mockery.

"Ya!" I growled at the screen. Hyomin held me back from throwing the control at the television and going into an outburst. She gave me a cloth instead, telling me to wipe the tables nearby. I did, but my eyes and ears were glued to the television.

The other menbers glanced at Minho with worried eyes. Kibum, who stood beside him, gave him a pat on the shoulder along with a shake of the head to signal not to answer, and he didn't. He told the translator to tell the lady that he wasn't allowed to talk about his relationship during the interview, which made it seem awkward in the room. Minho kept quiet for the rest of the awkward interview, he stood still and chuckled so hollow when a joke was said, but I could tell he was uncomfortable - Hyomin commented on it too, so it wasn't just me who saw it.

The whole interview was uncomfortable since the lady asked such a question.

"Why a nobody?"

It rang in my head all night.

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