Act 15;; Freedom

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Saturday was freedom.

I had no work. Minho had no schedules. We both didn't have classes.

He slept over Thursday and Friday night so that we could spend literally the whole day together, even though I wasn't home until Friday morning and I had work on Friday night, he still stayed around. He didn't tell me that he didn't have three days to spare, if I had known, I'd take those three days off too! But no, the guy had to try and be romantic about it and told me on Friday, when I got home and just wanted to sleep.

Oh, and so you know, he did exactly what he said and stayed in the kitchen, I even found him sleeping there on the chairs, leaning half his body against the table with his books scattered all over and an empty bowl of something by his head.

So yeah, Saturday was freedom.

Minho didn't waste any time.

He woke me up to prepare for the family breakfast my Mother planned thanks to the return of my Sister and her family. I didn't want to go at all, all I wanted to do was sleep, binge watch a few episodes of shows I've missed out on, and sleep. I even used Minho as a reason as to why I couldn't attend, and they took it, BUT used it against me. It was originally meant to be a family dinner and my Mother changed it to a family breakfast so Minho and I could spend the rest of our day together - as I requested. So it was probably the least I could do for them - plus Minho insisted we went. I practically lost by a landslide.

My day started at seven in the morning, when Minho woke me up to shower. I got ready, still a bit unkempt and half-asleep. He told me if that's how I'd go as, then he'd be okay with it. A pair of ripped boyfriend jeans rolled up to my ankles and a loose white and blue striped shirt is the most I can deal with in such short notice - or - the most I can deal with in such a small amount of energy to bother.

"Why are we even up so early?" I moaned, yawning on the couch as I watched Minho trail out in his pair of jeans and plain white shirt, though he covered that shirt with a green checkered long sleeve yet left unbuttoned. I may be drowsy, but his full figure was left clearer than the blue sky as he came out of my room like he was doing one of his photoshoots. He laughed though, he gave me a pat on the head as he leaned down and asked, "Do you need a piggy back ride to your Parents' home?"

"If you can." I clasped my hands together. "I would much appreciate it."


"Ya, you signed up to this."

"I didn't think it was part of the deal."

"Consider it a package deal."

"And what's included?"

I thought about it, raising my head up a bit and tapping at my chin. Minho reacted by rolling his eyes and tapped on his back, gesturing me to hop on. I could only grin in my own victory as I rushed to my feet and leaped onto his back, arms wrapped around his neck while my legs were scooped up by his arms, his fingers curled near my ankles as he instructed me to hold on tight.

"I am!" I happily replied.

"If only I was older, would be nice to be called oppa," He suddenly thought out loud, which caused me to lean closer, resting my chin by the curve of his neck as I asked why he came about to the thought. He answered,  "Because now you're technically a noona, and I have to call you noona when you actually act like an ahjumma."

I playfully bit at his neck. "Ya!" I hissed.

"Ah- Ow-" He yelped in between his cute chuckle. "Okay, okay, but don't lie, it's true."

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