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First things first, before any of you hooligans get on my backside about having a somewhat messed up Norse family tree, let me say this is based on the Marvel Norse family tree, not the actual one from the myths. Meaning, no, Loki did not birth Hela nor did he birth a nine legged horse, an oversized sun eating wolf, or an especially large snek.

This takes place after The Avengers and the whole Battle of New York situation. It replaces Thor: The Dark World, because the dark elves weren't that relevant anyways, let's be honest. 

Lastly, I feel the need to explain the magic system. From my knowledge, Marvel never specified anywhere how Asgardian magic works, so I improvised. Magic is the power a few have to warp the world around their imagination. So, let's say Loki imagines something floating. It floats just like how he imagined it. Boom, telepathy and a low effort magic system. 

Most of the characters in this I have no claim over and are the property of Marvel. The (relevant) exceptions include Freyja and her family, Eira, Sigurd, Jari, Calder, Gunvor and the few humans important enough to be named.

I really hope you enjoy reading this! I put a lot of time and effort into it and it is my first large writing project since like, sixth grade. It will not be on Harry Potter level or anything crazy, but hopefully it brings you a few good hours of reading. You must also be warned that about 80% of this was written at early o'clock in the morning when the only thing keeping my brain running was Monster energy drinks and my broken air conditioner. Not the case for every chapter, but most of them are that way. With that being said, may the story begin...

Your Majesty - Loki x OCWhere stories live. Discover now