My son

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AfO's POV:

I was hiding most of my life due to me beeing All for One but to be honest, after the fight with All Might, I finally found peace. Not only that but I found a partner for life, a soulmate which I loved. She was perfect in everything. She was just beautiful, the most angelic person I knew and so awesome. 

Needless to say that I felt happy when I heard that she was pregnant with my child. It was at that time that I decided to stop doing what I've been doing my whole life. This child shouldn't need to live in a world where I, his father, am no where around. I want this child to feel and experience the love of a father after all.


I have to leave now!

No one will notice me anyways!

These quirks are pretty usefull!

Today was finally the day that my son would be born. It was really late in the night but my wife just went into labor and up until now, I was hiding away at home. I couldn't live a normal life since I was still a villain in name. The thing was, I used one of the quirks that came with All for One and masked my true face each time I would go out.

This was how I was supporting the family all the time. I might not be the best father but I was still a villain and I had an underground to rule. With me gone, there would be chaos and I couldn't let my own child be on the streets knowing that people would dare to attack him because of me. This was why I was still known as a villain. However I was making sure all the other ones were in check.

I'll be there!

Hold on my dear love!

I'll be there for you!

The moment I got a call informing me that it was time for it, I used telport and immediately got to the hospital. Of course I was happy to know that we would have a child together and I would give it my all to make sure this child was happy. There was nothing I wouldn't do for him. He was my own flesh and blood.

This was how I got to the room where my wife was but no one wanted to let me inside. They instead told me to wait outside as there was some complications. I saw them hurry inside and out. Before I knew it, the bed with my wife was transported down the hallway into a surgery room.

Me: What's going on?

Nurse: May I ask who you are?

Me: Her husband.

Nurse: I am sorry, Sir but we are trying our best to safe both now.

Me: Safe?

Nurse: Yes, there are some complications going on.

Me: ... Oh god!

I have to get in!

Maybe I can help!

I need them both!


Both have to survive!

WHy does it have to be like this!

We always wanted a child, TOGETHER!

Why does she have to go through this!

All we wanted is to be happy!

As I was standing there not knowing what the nurse just told me, I wanted to get inside and help out. The reality however looked different. Thanks to what she told me, I was in a shock like state standing there and watching the nurse hurry back inside. There was nothing I could do. I didn't had a healing quirk at all. I was useless and could only watch and pray.

Please be alright!

I can't lose you!

You are my second half Inko!


I prayed and prayed for both my newly born son as well as the mother to survive. There was no greater joy to have a son in my hand, a child, no matter if a girl or a boy. I wanted to hold him but not at the cost of my own wife. Still I would love the child and overshower him with everything I can give him. 

Would I spoil the child rotten?


I would 100% do that. 

He was my own flesh and blood after all. 

We were family and family hold together.

It was that moment, when I blanked out for the whole time and the door opened, that I ran to the nurse. In her hand was a small crying baby. He was perfect and he was so small and looked so frail. I was sure to protect this little child, my son, and my wife with everything I had.

Me: How is his mother?

Nurse: I am sorry.... she didn't make it.

Me: No... It' can't be...

Nurse: We tried everything but due to complications she didn't make it.

Me: ....

Nurse: What would you like to name him?

Me: Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. He will have his mother surename and the name his mother came up for him. 

Nurse: A nice name.

Me: It is indeed.

She offered the child in my arms and I took him from her. He was small but the moment I took him in my arms, he stopped crying and even nudged himself closer to my chest. A sweet boy and someone who had a similar quirk to mine. I saw it in his eyes. 

This child, his eyes had a small golden circle right next to his pupils which immediatelly broke off. Yes. I could feel it. He just tried to get my quirk and failed. He was still small and inexperienced so he couldn't know how to handle it but it was there and it would get stronger the stronger he would get.

Me: I will forever protect you my dear Izuku. Don't worry about a thing.

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