My new friend!

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It was a very short day but the moment I got to school, I got soo many eyes on me. Still I didn't care. My father was there for me and brought me to the classroom I was supposed to be and then gave me a kiss on my forehead before he went on to be his true self. I knew that he had work to do and that I would get a new bed time story from him this evening.

I should try make some new friends.

They look all so nice.

Why are they watching me tho...

I don't get it.

I am a bit scared....

Should I approach them?

I hugged my bunny more and decided to go to a kid with sparky hear. He seems alone and I didn't know why but I thought we could be friends because the whole class already were forming groups and I didn't liked groups at all.

Me: Hewo, I am Izuku Midoriya. What's your name?

???: Piss off.

Me: Did I do something wrong?

That was when another kid with bat wings came over to us. He seemed to know the kid in front of me too.

Bat Kid: Don't worry about him, he is always grumpy. This is Bakugo Katsuki, I am Yoshua Himatori.

Me: Hewo, I am Izuku Midoriya. 

Bakugo: Tsk!

Yoshua: I have bat wings, he has explotions which is super cool.

Bakugo: I am the best and the strongest!

I saw the quirk myself. It seemed weak because I knew my fathers and myself but oh well, I did know not to say this out loud.

Yoshua: What's your quirk?

Me: I am quirkless.

The time I said that I saw their face morph. At first they started to laugh and the next thing I know I was pushed against the next table.

Yoshua: Hey! Everyone listen up! We have a quirkless idiot here!

Bakugo: Hahaha you are just useless. 

Me: I am not!

Bakugo: Oh really?

After that he started to push me again and again until I fell down and manage to hurt my hand because the egde of the table wasn'T sharp but I got thrown against it and still managed to hurt myself. The wound wasn't big but it was bleeding and I knew this was bad and it hurt too.

Me: Why would you do that? *sob*

He just stood there while I was laying on the ground and grabbed the bunny I let go.


Sir. Usagi!

I won't let you do anything to it!

My dad told me when I use my quirk I had green lightning around my pupills inside my eyes. He said it looked really cool and only when you are close to me you will see it. Other than that if I used it, I would have some lightning around me too sometimes but that was only when I tried to overdo it.

In this case, I just jumped up and tried to grab my rabbit.

Me: Give it to me.

Bakugo: What you wanna do waste of space? Cry?

Of course not so what I did was quite simple and although I knew it would get me into trouble I still did it. 

There was a norebook and a pencilcase at the table and I just grabbed the notebook and slapped the kid in front of me with it before throwing the inside of the pencil case it him too. That was the moment he let go of my rabbit and screamed himself too.

I grabbed it and ran out of the room. This was all I had from my mother and I didn't care at all. So when I ran outside I heard someone scream as well. Just getting closer, I saw a group of 3 kids ganging up on this lilac kid.

???: What a monster!

???: Villain!

Me: HEY!

I just got out not even thinking what I was doing and threw a rock which was close by at a person before grabbing another one an threaten the others to hit them too. Of course the stone hit the person and also injured the person.

???: What's wrong with you.

Me: Let him be!

???: Let's scram. This is a lunatic!

???: Monsters go together!

That was thankfully all they said but I went over to the kid and offered him a smile as well as a hand up.

Me: Are you okay?

???: Yeah thanks.

Me: I am Izuku.

???: Hitoshi.

Me: Nice to meet you.

Hitoshi: Like wise.

Me: Why were they ganging up on you?

Hitoshi: Because of my quirk.

Me: Why tho? Is it weak or villainous? Guess what that is just stupid. It's a quirk and every quirk can be villainous as well as soo cool and heroic. 

Hitoshi: You really think so.

Me: Mh!

Hitoshi: My quirk is called Brain wash.

Me: Sounds nice.

Hitoshi: Huh?

Me: I mean it would be prefect for rescue work, wouldn't it be?

Hitoshi: I guess you are right.

Me: I am quirkless.

Hitoshi: Oh but you are still you.

Me: Finally someone who understands.

We looked at each other and started laughing. It turned out we were in two seperate classes but they were right next to each other so when the day was over we said our farewell for the day and agreed to meet up for tomorrow again. 

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