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The week passed a bit fast after I got a fever and had to stay in beed and rest for the next week too. My father told me I wasn't ready to go to school yet but I knew he was a bit causcious and sensible if it came to my health. So I rested at home spending time with my dad.

Dad was one of the best people because he was making sure I was alright and not only that but he made sure I wouldn't get bored with the LOV around. He even brought a pet over. A nomu that was what he said it was. To be honest it looked a bit funny since he was slightly bigger and had his brain exposed but it was still a sweet thing even if it had no fur at all.

Still it was a nice doggy to play with and apparently it had a size changing quirk. I like it since I was really starting to get bored at home. Thankfully the week passed rather quickly and today was the day me and Toshi would meet at a nearby park together.

Me: Toshi!

Toshi: Izu!

I was there together with my dad and he had his dad Eraserhead with him. Did I think what would happen when they two would meet? Nope, not at all.

So while me and Toshi ran in the middle meet together, our dads just stood there like frozen. We didn't really get that since we were already in our own minds and off playing together.

AfO's POV:

I couldn't believe it at all. My son had a play date with a heroes son. To top that one off, this wasn't any hero. This was an underground one which knew me too.

So the moment we saw each other, we just stood there forzen in time for a bit.

Oh Izu!

Why didn't you say this earlier.

Did you forget about his dad?

It's fine.

He is here with his friend and they are happy.

That is all that matter!

This hero wouldn't ruin a day for his son for sure.

It was after I calmed down, I went to the hero's side and we both went to the next park bench with a table where I started spreading out the small snaks I brought.

Me: Here, you seem as you need this.

Eraserhead: Coffee?

Me: Yes. It is the one thing that got me through last week.

Eraserhead: Thanks.

Me: It's not poisoned if you thought about this.

I had a coffee myself and we both sat there without saying anything to each other for a while until Eraserhead started to talk. That was what I waited for since I didn't wanted to be rude and I was here only because of Izuku.

Eraserhead: Is he your son?

Me: Yes.

Eraserhead: What about his mother?

Me: Died when he was born. It's just us.

Eraserhead: He sure has it hard being quirkless.

Me: That's how life is.... your son has it not better seeing how he has the villainous quirk.

Eraserhead: Did you just judge a quirk?

Me: Nope. I am just saying how everyone calls it. I still think it is stupid.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Agree.... Is he the reason why the underground is a lot quiter for the past 6 years?

Me: Yes. He is all I have and I don't want him to be in danger. I hope you can understand this as well.

Eraserhead: I do.

Me: How did you find your kid?

Eraserhead: In an orphange.

Me: I see... Thanks for watching over Izu and getting him out of danger at the zoo.

Eraserhead: That's my job.

Me: No. No one asked you to jump inside a corcodile terarium to get a kid out.

Eraserhead: *sigh* It was the right thing to do.

Me: Thanks for that again. As I said, he is all I have.

Just like that our conversation started but we soon found out that we were not that different and so we started talking about some villains, some heroes and I might have snitched out some bastards who dared to be loud. All in all, I had a feeling that the hero would leave me alone and keep this little secret for him.

Me: I hope you won't tell anyone that I have him. If the villains or heroes know about this, they will go after him.

Eraserhead: I won't. He seems to love you and you seem to be a great father.

Me: I am trying.

Eraserhea: That is all you need.

Me: Thank you.

After that we continued watching our kids until something happened. They both just vanished in front of our eyes. No one of us could find them anymore.

Me: Where are they?

Eraserhead: I don't know.


Eraserhead: HITOSHI!

Nothing. We didn't get any reply and we didn't know where they were. All we saw was them going to the slide but they never came down the slide. Leaving our things where they are, we ran there to see if they were near the slides but there was not a sinlge child with fluffy green or purple hair at all.


Again nothing. 

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