A secret hiding spot

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The next day I woke up, my dad told me I was free from school since there was an explotion that happened at the basement and they had to make sure that the gas leak was closed before the school would reopen. I really didn't get what he meant with that but it felt good not to need to go to school since I could rest the whole day at home.

Dad: Izu, how is your side feeling today?

Me: My side?

Dad: Yes, it was bruised yesterday. Does it hurt?

Me: ... *sniff* I am sorry dad *sniff*...

Just remembering what happened made me instantly cry again but my father was there for me and picked me up, hugging me and let me cry it all out. He then out me down on the kitchen table so I would be as big as him.

Dad: It's fine kid. It wasn't your fault.

Me: *sniff* but-

Dad: No. It was the schools fault. Don't be afraid or scared. You are a Midoriya and a Shigaraki, remember. We Shigarki's are tigers who bare our fangs back at the people who hurt our family and as a Midoriya you are a precious bunny who can kick and fight back. Always remember that you are you, no matter what. I will be here for you as well as the LOV.

Me: *sniff* Dad!

Dad: Cry it out son.

I did what he said and we were there toger for quite a while after this we decided to spend the time together and watch a movie. He also told me about the birds who had to pick on a certain tiger and messed up completly. It helped me to feel better and so I spend the rest of the day together with my dad. It was really fun just to be with him and he was there for me, always no matter what.

The next day they reopened the school but this time we had a substitution teacher who seemed awfully familiat.

Teacher(whispering): Aww you all are soo cute, the only thing that is missing is a bit red.

She seemed different then a teacher but she did her job somehow until she came over to me. Her subject was somehow creative arts and we were all drawing and when I drew the Lov, she ruffled my hair and just gave herslef away. I couldn't believe it.

Toga (whispering): Is that Crusty?

Me: Mh... huh?!

It surprised me a lot so I looked at Toga who definitelly used her quirk to look like a teacher and was there now. Not only that but she smiled at me and made a pss! with her finger at her lip. Yup this was definitelly Toga right there.

Toga: You all are doing great. Now let's continue this tomorrow.

Just like that the class was over but Toga was still there watching over us even in the breaks until Toshi came running to my desk.

Toshi: Izu! How are you feeling.

Me: Good and you?

Toshi: I was soo scared after how you looked. You sure you are fine?

Me: Mh.

Toshi: Don't lie to me.

Me: I am not.

Toshi: Good cause friends don't lie.

Me: Mh!

Toshi: Can you come with me, I want you to show something.

Me: Sure.

Just like that we both ran out of the room and this time I got my bunny with me while we got out. There was no chance I would let my bunny there ever again. He was precious to me and so the three of us left the room and I followed Toshi out to the rooftop. It was funny how we got up there but it was also a route where no one was watching us.

Toshi: Here.

Me: What are we doing up here?

Toshi: It's perfect right?

Me: Mh but why are we here?

Toshi: Let's meet up in the breaks here. No one can do anything to us up here.

Me: You're a genius Toshi!

Toshi: hehe.

Me: Let's meet up here for lunch break too!

Toshi: I got some cookies to share. Papa made them.

Me: My dad made some more Sandwitches for us to share.

Toshi: Cool.

This was just the beginn of our friendship but after this, the both of us would always leave classes and meet up, up on the rooftop to spend time together playing and talking about everything. We came to the conclusion that both of our classes are trash and that we enjoy being together.

So this was our little secret hiding spot which no one knew besides Toga cause I saw her follow us once. I knew that she wouldn't say anything bad tho.

After school, my dad would pick me up now and not one of the LOV members since he said he would never let me be alone again after what happened that day.

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