Chapter Fifteen

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Sandy's funeral was already here. Bridget was honestly terrified to go but she was her best friend. Sandy was the one person Niall truly loved and now she was gone. Just a short few years ago, the two just met and they bonded and finally rarely ever left each other's side. Bridget stood in the mirror fixing her hair up into a pony tail and didn't bother putting on any make up because she knew she'd cry. The dress she picked out was one she and Sandy picked out for her 18th birthday. It still fits her greatly and she knew it was the right occasion to wear it. Bridget could feel tears starting to well up in her eyes but she didn't want to cry yet.

"You almost ready, babe?" Liam asked coming into the bedroom.

"Yeah, can you hand me that wrist band?" Bridget replied as she sniffled trying her best to hide the tears.

"Here." Liam put the wrist band on her for her and looked down at her. The wrist band was something she and Sandy had gotten when they went shopping one day. As Bridget walked out, she sniffled again. "It's okay to cry, babe."

"I can't cry, not now." Bridget replied. "I just can't. Niall doesn't need me to cry right now."

"Babe, she was your friend too. Nobody will care if you cry." Bridget sighed and turned around to face Liam. He looked handsome in the tux he was wearing but Bridget still upset about losing her best friend. She looked down at the wrist band and kept getting more and more mad. "It's okay to be upset." Bridget needed to get the words out.

"I'm not upset. I am pissed off. First my brother is killed in a car accident and then my best friend is killed in a car accident. I'm tired of losing people. I just...I just..." Bridget couldn't finish the sentence. Liam had his arms wrapped around her in seconds and she melted into his arms. She let the tears come out since she knew she would explode if she didn't. When she was finally done, she realized she had soaked Liam's tux in tears.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Liam." Bridget said as she wiped at the wet spot.

"Don't worry about it, I'm here for you." Liam replied as he smiled.


They finally got to the funeral, all them were there including Perrie and Eleanor. They all sat in the front row being that they were those who were closest to Sandy. Niall crying but holding back his loud sobs. The funeral went through some of the viewing and got through the priest talking.

"Would anyone like to come up and say anything about Sandy?" The priest asked looking around. Bridget looked at Niall who shook his head in response. Bridget stood up and walked to the podium with Liam bed side her for comfort.

"There's a lot I can say about Sandy." Bridget started to say. She felt herself wanting to cry but felt Liam rubbing her back. "Sandy was one of those people that had a bright personality and was the one person you could go to when you needed to talk to." Bridget sighed trying to hold back every tear that threatened to escape.

"Can you finish?" Liam whispered so only Bridget could hear him. Bridget nodded her head and sniffled as she looked up at Niall.

"Sandy had a nasty break up with a previous boyfriend and was a bit depressed. I knew Niall needed a girl so I set the two up. They were just two young people in love and it was cute to watch them. Sandy enjoyed having him around and Niall wasn't scared to show his love for her in public." Bridget could hear everybody laugh at what she said including Niall. "I know she was taken from us too soon but now everybody has a guardian angel watching over. " Bridget managed to finish her little speech and walked over to the bench with Liam.

"Thank you, Bridget." Niall said as he sniffled some more. Bridget smiled and wrapped her hand around his. Bridget smiled and rubbed the black of his head.

Love Between Friends (#1)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now