Chapter Three

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Bridget was really hurt by her mum just showing up and pretending that she had no clue why Bridget was mad at her. She just wanted her mum gone and out of her life for good. Bridget just wanted her new family in that place because they were the ones she could count on when she needed someone to talk to and they were the ones that cared about her. Bridget sat on the couch with Lady and Loki in her lap, crying for most of the next day.

"No mum, she's okay." Liam said to his very concerned voice. "She's just a little upset, is all. Thanks mum." Liam came over and sat down next to Bridget who then put her head in his lap. "You gonna be okay, babe?"

"I don't know, Liam. My life is so damn messed up." Bridget sniffled as Liam wiped her tears away.

"Babe, please stop crying." He said looking at Bridget. "You know I hate seeing you cry. Just talk to me."

"My family is screwed up, Liam." Bridget sniffled again. "I hate everything, and I hate life. Sometimes I just want to quit."

"Don't say that!" Liam snapped at her, shocked with the words that came out of her mouth. "Life may be horrible but I'm not letting you give up. I love you more than anything and nothing will change that." Liam was right. He loved her, and she loved him, but Bridget had a point too. Her life is really screwed up because her parents didn't want her and her mum bashing the only family that does care about her upset Bridget.

"I just really hate my mum and dad. You would too if you parents abandoned you and then went and had three more kids.

"You're right, I probably would. But I would talk to my girlfriend about it, so I can try to overcome it. You've got me and other people you can talk to about your problems." Looking in his eyes, Bridget could tell he could feel the pain she was going through. She just really wanted to leave and not come back but she was not gonna ask Liam to do that.


They talked for almost two hours and Bridget felt much better after letting her problems out and being able to talk to someone. Liam and Bridget decided to go stay with Eleanor and Louis for a few days, so her mum and dad couldn't find them.

"Thanks for letting us stay here." Bridget said to Eleanor as the two of them moved some of her and Liam's clothes into the spare room.

"Hey, that's what friends are for." Eleanor replied as Bridget put the clothes on a box.

"I just needed to get away for a bit. I'm sure Liam told Lou what happened between me and my mum."

"He did but Lou hasn't told me."

"Well, my mum bashed you guys and the band, so I slapped her and told her I never wanted to see her again."

"I'm really sorry Bridget. I wish I could make your pain go away."

"Just being here where my mum doesn't know where I am will help. Being with you and Louis will help to. I honestly want to move away but Liam is in the band and I couldn't do that to him." Eleanor rested her hand on Bridget's shoulder.

"If he loves you, he'll move with you. I'm pretty sure that Liam loves you and would do anything to help you stay happy."


After they decided to stay with Louis and Eleanor, Liam could see a change in Bridget. She was happier and wasn't as depressed as she previously was. Liam was thinking they should maybe move to a new place, to a new flat. Liam wanted her to be happy and he wanted to her to have a good day, maybe they should move. After they ate something for breakfast, the couple sat in bed.

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