Chapter Five

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Bridget was so happy that the fans gave them some space while they hung out at the beach. Of course, they snapped pictures of the boys and their girls. Bridget wore a blue bikini with some design on it that her Grams bought her for her 20th birthday after Bridget moved in with Liam. The girls sat under a shady umbrella so they didn't get burnt.

"Don't fall asleep." Harry said as he plopped down next to Bridget.

"I'm tired, shut up." Bridget replied jokingly.

"Sand hurts when you fall asleep. Just thought I'd warn you."

"Shut up, Styles." Harry grinned and then lay back in his beach chair. Bridget watched as Liam and Louis both surfed, having a lot of fun. She was sitting on her board since she was taking a break and enjoying the nice weather. Sometimes she felt like and obsessive girlfriend because she was always wanting to be with Liam where everywhere he was. Bridget even felt like she was weighing him down because of it. Liam walked over breaking her thoughts.

"Nice." Bridget said as she looked up at him with a grin.

"What's nice?" Liam asked confusingly. Bridget chuckled at the confusion.

"You, Liam. You've got to be a bit smarter when I'm complementing you." Liam grinned and layed down next to Bridget resting his head on her arm. They could see paparazzi snapping pictures from their van which made Liam look at her.

"Let's give them something to take a picture of."

"Like what?" Bridget asked.

"This." Liam leaned over and kissed her. Bridget cupped his cheek as she kissed back, not caring at all. The fans and the paparazzi took even more pictures of the two kissing.

After the beach break, Paul drove everybody back to the airport for the surprise Liam had planned for Bridget. Liam wouldn't tell her where they were going but everybody knew. Not only was the surprise in Florida but so was their next gig.

"Will you guys tell us where we're going?" Bridget asked as they boarded a plane. They all stayed quiet which made Bridget smile. She leaned back in her seat and immediately fell asleep.


When they plane landed, the sun was staring to set. Paul dropped the boys off at the hotel and then drove Liam, Bridget, Louis, and Eleanor to the surprise.

"Please tell me where we're going." Bridget pleaded as she leaned against Liam.

"Nope, sorry." Louis replied as she winked at her.

"Sorry babe, can't tell you." Liam chimed in and kissed her forehead.

"I hate surprises." Eleanor spoke up,

"You'll like this one." Louis replied as he wrapped his arm around Eleanor. Liam smirked at him and they enjoyed the rest of the ride. Liam knew Bridget was going to love surprising because it's something she's always had a passion for. Ever since he's known her, Bridget has hated being surprised by people but she puts up with surprises from Liam because she loves him. Finally, the group arrived at the destination.

"Liam, why are we at a farm?" Bridget asked as Paul pulled up alongside a big red fancy barn.

"Loui and I have to make a pit stop." Liam lied, trying to contain his excitement. He was lying to her but Bridget never caught on. He got out of the car and Louis followed him around the barn.

"I know they're hiding something." Bridget spoke as she and Eleanor waited it the car

"Me too, Lou sucks at lying." Eleanor replied. Paul turned around and unlocked the door.

Love Between Friends (#1)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now