Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Elena is unconscious in the back of the car with her hands tied tied up. Katherine's body is in the trunk-- Kai said we would need it. He is driving to the house where all the witch-ancestor spirits apparently hang out at.

When we get there we will call Bonnie and tell her to meet us. Then she can do the spell to revive Katherine.

When we arrive, Kai and I get out and head inside to check the place out. I walk in first and immediately hear whispering. As soon as the sun hits me it burns my skin, so I reflexively vamp-speed into a shady spot. I double check that Katherine's ring is still on... it is.

"Looks like we aren't very wanted here." Kai comments, hidden away from the windows as well.

"Just wait outside, I'll figure out where we need to be."

I vamp-speed through the upper level, avoiding the windows, and then vamp-speed downstairs. There are only a couple windows, most of the basement is in the shade.

There are candles laid out in a semi-circle and the whispers have become louder. I can't hear anything that the (probably) witches are saying, but I'm pretty sure they don't like vampires.

I go back outside and tell Kai we can go to the basement.

He opens the car door where Elena is. "Elena! Wakey, wakey!"

Elena stirs but doesn't get up. Kai leans over into the car and slaps her face lightly a few times. "C'mon, time to get up."

I walk closer to the car, trying not to laugh.

She groans and then opens her eyes. As soon as she figures out where she is she panics at sits upright, breathing hard.

"What do you want with me!" She yells.

Before Kai says anything, I intervene. "You are the bait."

She scrunches her eyebrows, confused. I walk around to the back of the car and open the trunk, lifting Katherine's body out.

Kai grabs Elena out and we walk inside.

— —

I dial Bonnie's phone number for the third time, watching as Kai finishes tying Elena up to a chair. Elena can barley keep her eyes open.

Bonnie doesn't answer. I guess that means we have to go to plan B.

"Smile!" I say and Elena glares at me. I hold up my phone and Kai stands behind the chair with a thumbs up and a smile. I snap a picture and quickly send it to Bonnie with a text:

Come to the old witches house or she dies.

Now, we wait. I sit on the floor next to where Katherine's body is, excited to have a chance to get her back. Once she is here, this will all be worth it.

— —

"STELLA!" I hear Bonnie shout from upstairs.

"Down here!" I yell back.

She slowly comes down the stairs and I move next to Elena, holding the wooden stake I made out of an old chair leg.

"If you use any magic against us, she's dead. If you try to free her, dead, if you try to escape, dead. Got it?" I say.

Bonnie glares at me as she walks closer. "Fine. What the hell do you want?"

"You know what I want."

"Bonnie— don't listen to her." Elena says weakly. "Don't give her what she wants."

"Shut up!" I turn around and push the stake onto her chest.

"Don't kill her!" Bonnie exclaims.

I turn back to her. "You are going to use the power of the ancestors in this house to bring Katherine back to life."

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