Guardian Angel «Robbie Kay»

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You had recently broken up with your boyfriend. It Felt like the whole world was against you and would not give up until it saw you break.

You had walked into class, receiving some dirty looks from the usual people.

The day went on painfully slowly, and you were glad it was over.

You were walking home, and you heard a car slowing down beside you.

"Hey hoe. Need a ride?" An annoying voice called behind you. Robin.

Robin was the school whore and bitch. She thought she had everyone wrapped around her finger.

You looked at her, and she was driving with some friends.
A particular person caught your eye inside Robin's car.

Robbie freaking Kay.

Your crush since forever, riding beside the school dumbass, in her car.

You looked away and started walking again. the car hadn't moved, so You turned around. Right then and there, Robin stepped on the gas really hard and made sure to drive over the nasty muddy puddle right beside you. You were wet, and smelled disgusting.

One of Robin's equally stupid friends, took out her phone to take a picture of you. Robin stopped her.

"No Bethany, let's just keep this between us" She giggled.

You looked over to Robbie, and he looked away, almost, in embarrassment.

You started to walk away, the wrong way to your house, just to get away from this whore.

As you walked into your house, you put down your stuff and ran upstairs. You slammed your door and started sobbing. You didn't even have enough strength to walk to your bed, so you just sat there, one the floor, huddled into a ball. this was nearly the worst day of your life.

You heard a knock on your door.
Since you were home alone, you had to answer it.

Your heart stopped as soon as you saw Robbie at your doorstep, holding a bouquet of roses.

"Um.. Robbie. what Are you doing here?"
"I just broke up with Robin, and I realized the only thing keeping me from telling you how I feel, where these meaningless little relationships. I realized I need you. I've known you for too long to not tell you how I feel. I want to be your morning and your night, the shoulder you cry on when someone does you wrong, I want to be the only that can make you feel joy. Will you please be mine?"
"Of course I will. you don't know how long I've been waiting. thank you for saving me."
He started to Lean in and our lips touched in perfect harmony, moving in sync like they were meant for each other. A hand was placed on your lower back, pushing you closer to the body of the boy you yearned for for so long.
It was pure perfection.

So my first imagine :) ^^ how was it? Requests are open so if you want an imagine made for you, just comment. (Or kik- the_mari_cookie)

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Kik- the_mari_cookie

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