Cleaning his cut

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I sat on Peter's lap, cleaning his wounds.
"Goddamn it Peter, stay still." I said.
"It's hard when you're rubbing alcohol on an open cut luv."
"Whatever. Almost done.... There" I placed the butterfly bandage on his cheek so that the cut would seal.
"Seriously Peter you have to stop getting into these goddamn fights." I said.
"Azul, you he was asking for it. I mean, did you NOT notice the way he was staring at you? It's like he wanted a good punch in the face." He said.
"Peter I know you get jealous easily but it's not like he was gonna do anything. Everyone's afraid of you, and they all know I'm with you, so they're not gonna mess with me."

I said, shifting over a bit on his lap. He had just gotten in a fight with Noah, one of the lost boys. Every time he would get in a fight, I'd scold him, then take him to the kitchen were I would fix his wounds.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, earning a grin from Peter.
"Peter we talked about this. Fear does not equal respect. Maybe you should try to act differently with the boys so that the can trust you, you know, respect you more?" I said.
"Of course princess, anything for you."
"I know you're just saying that so I can get off your back." I said.
"I am not. I love you and I don't care if you're on my back... Wait that just sounded weird." He said, and we both laughed.

Peter Pan/Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now