Movie Night «Robbie Kay»

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The doorbell rang and I shot up. I squealed as I opened the door to reveal Robbie, my best friend whom I haven't seen in two months.

"ROBBIE!" I squealed again and jumped into his arms. He dropped the bag he was holding along with his keys to hug me back.

"(y/n) oh my god I missed you so much you have no idea." He said, hugging me way tighter. I didn't mind though.

He lowered me down so I could stand again. I stood and just stared at him with the biggest smile on my face.

"I missed you too Robbie."

I looked down at the bag he had set down next to his feet.

"What's that?. I asked, the big goofy smile never leaving my face.

"Oh it's snacks. I figured we could have a movie night." I laughed. Of course he would bring food. He knows I can't just settle for popcorn while watching a movie.

I laughed, taking the bag from his hand.
We walked into the living room, and set the stuff down on the coffee table.
I picked up the bag of Funyuns Chips and smiled. Robbie knew those were my favorite.

"Okay so I was thinking maybe we could watch Insidious, or if you're not feeling the scary mood we could always go for one of your many Disney movies." Robbie said with a smile.

"Hmm.. I dunno.. OOH how bout Brave?" I asked.
Robbie made a face, showing me he was tired of watching that so many times, since it was my favorite Disney movie.

"Ugh fine what do you want?" I asked.

"I want you to watch frozen." he said, pointing out the fact that I actually haven't watched it yet.

"Fine. But you owe me." I said.

He laughed.

We were halfway through the movie, when Robbie paused the movie.

I looked at him, and stopped eating my Sour Patch Kids.

"(y/n) can I talk to you?" He said, and Looked nervous. oh god.

"Sure." I said hesitantly.

He stood up and walked outside to my porch.
"(y/n), ever since I left home I couldn't get my mind off of you. Of course why wouldn't I? You're my best friend. But, there was always something there, like the want and need to be with you. Then I realized I didn't just want to be friends."

Oh my god. This is happening.

Before I could even process what I was doing, I stood on my tiptoes and slowly leaned in.

Robbie kissed me before I could.
The kiss held so many feelings, and things we wished we had said earlier. It was magical, he was pouring his whole heart into the kiss.

I pulled away and stared into his forest green eyes. He smiled and intertwined our hands.

"So that's a-" I cut him off.

"Yes." I said, and grinned.

"I love you. I feel bad for not telling you before, it's just I didn't want to ruin our friendship." he said.

"Oh shut up." I said, and grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss me again.

The rest of the day was spent cuddling and eating junk food with our hands intertwined.

How I've wanted this.

Hey guys than you for reading ❤️
Remember requests are open. Don't be shy!

Lots of love Xx

Peter Pan/Robbie Kay ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang