And Straight On 'till Morning «Peter Pan»

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It was a dark and gloomy day, your mood matching up to it perfectly.
Your parents had just gotten in a fight, resulting in your mother crying. It was pouring outside, and you decided to go upstairs and turn on the tv.
Great. You thought. There's no signal on anything. lovely.
All you wanted was to drown out the sound of your life basically. To distract yourself of what has happened, and all that may.

You laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling. This wasn't just one of those days where you could ignore the bad things. It was like this day wanted to see you break down.

You snapped up when you heard your window swing open.
Oh my god! Robbers! Rapists! Murderers! Was all you could think when you saw a figure climb in through your window.
"What the fu- Get out of here, before I call the cops!" you said.
"The- what?" The figure asked, with a strong, masculine Voice as it got closer to you. As it was coming closer to the only light in your room, you could make out his features.

He looked around your age, 16 or 17-ish. He had light brown hair, tousled to the side, and the most captivating forest green eyes you've ever encountered. he also had soft looking, pink, plump lips that tugged into a crooked smile. He was, really kind of attractive.

Snap out of it Angie. He just broke into your room.

"Who are you?!" You asked.
"Sorry love, I'm Peter. Peter Pan."
"Shut up. Like the one from the books? Can you not do this? I'm not in the mood for joking especially with someone that just broke into my room." You said.
"I'm not joking! I'm here to take you to NeverLand with me. I see you're not happy."

"Prove that you're the Peter Pan then." You challenged.
"Of course love." And with that, he opened his palm in front of him, and made a ball of fire appear.
You screamed and stepped backwards, and hit your beside table, sending you tumbling backwards. But, before you could fall, a figure caught you from behind. it was him.

But. what?! He was literally just in front of my window two seconds ago!

"What the hell?! How did you get over here so fast?!" You said
"Told ya love. I'm Peter Pan-"

"Now, could you be a doll and tell me if you're coming to NeverLand with me? I kinda left all the lost boys I'm in a bit of a hurry.."

You looked back, thinking about your life here.

You took his hand, and smiled.
"Off to NeverLand we go!" Peter exclaimed as you both jumped out the window and flew past the city.

"Second star to the right-" Peter started.
"And straight on till mornin'!!" You finished.
This was gonna be a hella of time.

Peter Pan/Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now