For Natalia

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Hey guys! Ok so this one is for NataliaMontes13 ! <3

(warning: the feels hit hard in this one)

lots of love xx

«3rd Person POV»

Natalia walked out of her hut in the camp and headed straight to where breakfast was being served. Her long dark hair sat in a neat bun atop her head. She smiled at several of the lost boys that waved.

She grabbed her plate and sat on a stump close to her and Pan's hut. She silently ate and finished her breakfast.

Suddenly, a screeching scream came from the forest. All heads in the camp snapped towards the sound.

Natalia shot right up, bow in hand, and ran straight through the forest, following the screaming and crying. it sounded like one of the lost boys.

«Natalia's Point of view»

I ran deeper and deeper into the dark forest, following the screaming.

As I arrived to the source of ear-screeching noise I saw Rory, a lost boy around my age. I've gotten to know all of the lost boys and their personalities, but Rory always excluded himself from all of me and the Lost Boys' conversations.

Rory was laying on the floor, clutching his leg, his face showing clear agony.

"Natalia! help me PLEASE!" Rory groaned.
I knelt down beside him and examined his leg.

My jaw dropped at the sight of his wound.
He had pulled his pant leg up to expose it. It was slightly bent back, and cut open. He had broken his leg and cut himself pretty badly.

"I.. I tripped... I fell on a rock... It... It hurts so much.. I think it's broken."
Rory managed to choke out.

Ever since Pan hurt his arm and I mended it, I've had a love for healing people.
That's mostly what I do now. I help the Lost Boys when they get hurt.

"Alright Rory I'm gonna have to clean it. I'm not gonna lie to you, it's gonna hurt." I said, taking out the water and a rag.

I grabbed his hand, and clutched it in an attempt to reassure him that everything was going to be alright.

As I poured the water and cleaning powder on his cut, he let out a piercing scream.
"Shh shh it's ok Rory I'm almost done." I said.
"You know you have really pretty eyes. Like, they're so sparkly." He said, leaving me dumbfounded.
I raised an eyebrow at him, and he continued showering me with compliments I didn't even understand the reason behind.
Things like:

"Y'know I've always thought your hair was just so stunning."

"Yeah and then that asshole Pan took you. Now you're taken. I don't even know why you're with him honestly."

It takes a lot to get me mad, especially when I'm being flooded by compliments, but I decided to say something.

"Rory? Could you not talk about my boyfriend like that? Look I'm flattered that you think of me that way, but you said it yourself. I'm taken. And I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. I'm not letting this get to Pan but just please stop."

When I finished cleaning it, I proceeded to wrap it in gauze. Once I was done, I had to go back to camp and get some boys to help me to carry Rory back to camp.

They placed him in the nurse hut and I had to go take care of him. I brought him his dinner which he missed while we were out in the forest.

I say there next to him, wrapping his leg once again since the old bandages were soaked in blood. Once I finished, I was getting ready to leave when Rory asked for me to stay a little while longer. I couldn't say no. my heart didn't allow it. He had gone through so much pain today.

He patted the pot right next to him in the bed, telling me to sit there.

I sat with him and stared at him.

"Did you really mean all those things you said?" The words flew out of my mouth before I even thinking.

"Of course. Every bloody word."

We sat in uncomfortable silence for a while.

Rory started to sit up and get closer to me.

Once his lips were just centimeters away from my ear, he whispered, "And it's not fair that Pan gets all the fun."
As I processed what he said, I felt something warm on my lips.

He was kissing me.

I have to pull away.

I can't.

Just then I heard the door of the hit swing open. My head snapped up, pulling away from Rory.

My jaw dropped when I saw an infuriated looking Pan staring at me.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL THALIA?!" He yelled with fury.
As I tried to get up and explain he cut me off.


"Pan please just liste-" he cut me off again.


"Just let me explain!"


Every word was a stab to the heart as I tried to make sense of the situation. Pan had always been more of an on-impulse reactor but was he really banishing me?

He stomped out of the hut and I tried to follow him, but Rory stopped me. I turned to him, infuriated. he was going to get a piece of me.

•Two Years Later•

"You ready to go?" Asks Emma, boarding hook's ship.
I was really nervous about going back to NeverLand. Ever since Pan banished me, I've held so much regret and hurt for that place.

Couple Minutes later, we had gone though the portal and arrived in NeverLand.

Hook held me closely as we walked through the forest. He was my protector now. The one who took me in when I had given everything up to go to NeverLand.

Once we arrived in Pan's camp, I felt a wave of nostalgia flood over me.

Then, my heart shattered.

It was Pan.
Kissing some girl in a nightgown and messy curly hair.

My jaw dropped.
Just then, I heard someone yell.

All heads snapped towards me. It was Thomas. one of the list boys that I used to absolutely adore.
I ran up to hug him.
He hugged back, really hard.

And that's when I heard it.

The voice I was sure I never wanted to hear again.

"Be right back babe."
He said to who I'm guessing was his new girlfriend. Then I heard a kiss. A fucking kiss. How disgusting.

He probably hasn't even noticed me.

He only talked to the others in my group, talking about Henry and stuff, and I stayed behind to catch up with Thomas.

I was so into my conversation, I didn't notice theirs had ended.

"Who is she?" I heard a girly obnoxious voice behind me.
"Oh no one to worry about love."

Then I heard kissing again.

I wanted to throw up at the realization that he was kissing her.


Ok ok sorry this is super long I got so carried away don't hate me but I'm considering doing a part two to this. I probably will due to the fact that I can't cope with this imagine ending so sadly. NataliaMontes13 I hope you liked it, and I hope it wasn't too far from what you wanted :)

That was my first request :) plz if u want an imagine done plz comment here or anywhere else in the story or message me telling me what u want. I'll get it down ASAP :)

Lots of love Xx

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