1- I want to be saved

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Song of the chapter:
Broken - Anson Seabra

I don't know when this is going to end.

The morning air is cold and I curse that I didn't bring my jacket. The wind is slapping my face and my feet are long numb, I wish the rest of me was. The rocky cliff plummets down to what would be a complete end, the easier way out of this hell hole. The thought flashes across my mind but with a lonely tear escaping I push it away, today is just a bad day but how are you meant to handle the bad days when they become bad weeks or even months. That step would end all the memories, it would stop all the pain and allow me to finally be free. I let out a sob as the thoughts surround my mind, then again I force it to another part of me because laying in bed at this dawn hour is that green eyed angel that I couldn't leave alone is this too cruel world.

Four is too young to see half the things she's seen but there never seems to be a fault in the smile that brightens the hopeless darkness. I push away from the edge of the cliff and back to more safe grounds. No, I couldn't do it yet but that doesn't stop me from coming here to let the pain escape without the consequences that home brings.

I've been out for a couple hours and everyone will still be asleep but that doesn't stop the worry as I creep back in through my small window. I take of my shoes and open up the door checking the hall for any signs of movement. There's nothing.

5:30 am my clocks says, I have to be up first. I doubt the others will be up for hours but I'd rather plummet off that cliff than risk it all.

I wince with the movement of pulling a pair of black leggings over my marked legs, but for one day more ignore the bruises and white scars. Then a t-shirt and thick sweatshirt rest over my thin frame. I pull my bag over my shoulder with a hiss of breath and push my phone into a pocket, then I pick up my worn sneakers and tiptoe silently down the stairs.

Careful not to make a sound I prepare two sandwiches, one goes in my bag and the other in the fridge. I take a apple out of the almost empty fruit bowl and take a bite, every action is forced and my mind can't rest as I listen for the smallest sound of life. Luckily I finish and there has been no sounds, then I trek back up the stairs.

I keep an eye on the door at the end of the hall but when I don't hear or see anything I open up the first door.

"Hey Bella" I whisper as the light spills into the room from the hall, in the tiny bed in the corner of the small room lies my sister. "Time to get up"

"Juliette?" the quiet voice sounds from the mound under the thick covers

"Yeah it's me" I walk over and pull back the blankets.

A mass of curly brown hair and small limbs launch into my arms. I chuckle quietly and hold her close. "Good morning"

"Morning JJ, can I have cereal today?" she asks and I let go of her.

"Of course" I switch the light on and pull out the draws, taking out a mini pair of jeans and pink shirt I get my sibling out of bed.

"The quicker we get ready the longer you have to eat your cereal" I tell her and she beams at me jumping out of bed.

"Time me, I bet I can be really quick" she giggle and reaches for the clothes.

"Okay then I will, how about this if you are quick then you can have a cookie in the car" I say and the toddler jumps up and down at this.

"We have a deal" her face lights up and she holds out her hand

"Deal" I laugh to myself at the serious nod I get in return.

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