14- F*ed up family

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Song of the chapter:
This love (Taylor's version)- Taylor Swift

"Juliette I swear to god get your ass back here now" his voice echos down the hall as I sprint away from his room.

"Parker said a bad word!" Bella points and giggles from the couch.

"Yeah, bad Parker!" I accuse and spin around the corner into the kitchen.

"Sorry sorry, but you" he jogs into the kitchen and stands the other side of the island pointing at me "you are just mean"

"You weren't waking up" I shrug and try to go around him.

"I wanted to sleep in" he frowns and moves to the side as I try to sneak around the counter.

"It's thanksgiving so tough luck" I smile and he shakes his head.

"You didn't even wake me up nicely"

"I tried to but you sleep like the dead" I shrug and he rolls his eyes.

"So you cannon balled onto my bed?" He raises an eyebrow and stalks closer.

"Pretty much" I say then try to run through and duck under him.

"Nope" he chuckles and grabs me quickly.

"Parker" I groan and squirm as he wraps his arms around me.

"Nope, you must pay" he picks me up easily and drags me into the living room.

"Bella save meeeee" I call out dramatically and she just shakes her head giggling.

"Yes the boss is on my side" Parker takes a couple more strides before flinging me onto the couch but I notice how even now he's carful and gentle.

"Come on we needed to get up" I protest and he just shakes his head stalking closer.

"No, you needed to get up. I was fine sleeping"

"You said you had stuff to do today" I raise and eyebrow.

"I do"

"Then you should thank me" I smile as he leans over me.

"I won't. Now I'm up I'm working out, be prepared for payback" he kisses the top of my head before walking away to the gym.

"Bring it on Jones" I call out after him.

"Actually Parker" I get up and open up the door from the gym "I think me and Bella are-" I freeze as Parker's pulling his sweatshirt over his head.
His toned biceps tense as he pulls the material over his head, lifting up his T-shirt in the process revealing a strip of smooth skin and a defined v-

"Juliette?" I can hear his smirk before my eyes snap back up to his. He throws his sweatshirt on the floor and leans against the wall with an eyebrow raised.


"You were saying" he chuckles and I shake my head, come on thoughts.

"Ummm" I meet his teasing gaze and glare at him "I think me and Bella are gonna head out to visit mom now so we're back for when Austin comes to cook"

"Okay. I'm going to finish this then go see my dad, I'll be back afternoonish if that's all good?" he stands up and walks towards me.

I just nod "yeah, I'll see you later" I just step back and walk out of the room before Parker can consume any more of my thoughts.

"Juliette" he calls after me "be careful"

A small smile escapes "I will Parker"

"Call me if anything happens okay? I'll have my phone on" his own spreads across his face

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