15- One day

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Song of the chapter:
Keep driving- Harry Styles

"Awww Parker he'll be thrilled, we served lunch early today so some staff could go home to their families so he'll probably be up for some food" the nurse smiles at the front desk when Parker shows her the meal he plated up for his dad.

"Thanks Sue" Parker grin "how's he been since I left?"

"A joy" she sighs "you know how much it lifts him up when you visit"

"Yeah well I somehow drain all his grump energy" Parker shrugs "where is he?"

"He'll be out in the garden probably, I know someone took him out a bit ago" she looks at the clock "if not then in the living room"

"Thanks Sue" Parker walks through the door holding it open for me, I quickly walk through but not before I see Sue raise her eyebrow at Parker and he just shakes his head smiling.

"She's great" he slips his hand into mine with a nod

"The staff here are the reason I don't mind him staying" he shrugs "they generally care"

"Aren't you just the dream son" I pinch his side and he rolls his eyes then looks down at me with a smile

"Nothing" he says quickly


"I like that you're having a good day love, seeing you happy makes me happy" he admits

"You make me happy" I murmur leaning up onto my toes to kiss his cheek.

Parker leads me through light rooms with huge windows and out the open glass doors looking out over a neat garden. He scans the area before walking forward.

There's an older man sitting at a table in a wheelchair with a book. He closes it to look at the fountain for a minute as we walk over.

"Hey you old fart" Parker calls out getting a few disapproving glances.

Parker's dad turns his chair round at the sound of Parker's voice and breaks out in a grin. He looks so much like Parker, the same dark eyes just much more sunken and wrinkled with smile lines at the corners. He has the same face structure just aged with decades of life. His thinning hair is lighter than Parker's be it with age or not and he sits tall in his chair, no shame in his position at all.

"Should I be concerned with your head Park, I'm meant to be the old one yet you're visiting me again" he calls out as we approach. His voice is deep and a thick accent cuts through each word.

"Ahhh and to think I brought your ungrateful ass food" Parker put the plate on the table and hugs his dad.

"It's good to see you again" he looks over his shoulder and smiles. Parker pulls back and he chuckles.
"Well if it isn't Juliette"

"Yes dad this is Juliette" Parker reaches a hand for me pulling me closer.

"ingen dritt" his father mutters "no shit" he repeats with a smile to me "the boy talks my ear off about you sweetheart, I'd be able to recognise you anywhere just from the extremely detailed description I've had" he holds his hand out for me to shake.

I do squashing my nerves, his dad seems easygoing "I've heard a lot about you too Mr Jones"

He scoffs "none of that Oliver will be fine. It's a joy to meet you Juliette, Parks been obsessing over you for-"

"Dad" Parker groans and I chuckle "please let's not"

"Fine you spoilsport. Let's go inside so I can eat this without all of these vultures" he looks around at some people who have noticed the plate of food "greedy old people" he mutters to himself earning an eye roll from Parker.

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