13- Shine again

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Song of the chapter:
Afterglow- Ed Sheeran

I guess he's done with those seconds too because the second our lips connect he replies with the passion that's built up for too long. I almost melt there in his arms in the way that I've wanted to for so long. His hand cups the side of my face and I sigh into his touch.

He pulls me closer against him as our kiss continues to deepen.

"Remember what you said to me on the couch?" I murmur between the kisses.

"Yes" he says his voice low and heavy as he looks into my eyes.

"I don't want you to stop either" I smile and he leans down to kiss me again.

"We need to talk love" he says gently and tucks a strand of hair behind me ear.

"We do" I pull away from him but he just holds my hand. "I'm so sorry"

"So am I. But would it make me a terrible person if I just kissed you again?" He smirks down on me, I just shake my head and stand on my toes to meet him.

I feel like that light in the darkness, a burning flame flickering under his touch. I wrap my arms around his neck as we light each other up, we take our hands and lead the other out of the consuming darkness. He's my light and I'm trying to be his.
I feel the gentle smirk against my lips when a small groan tumbles out. His hands clench my waist as we hold onto each other as if we don't plan on letting go, I know I don't.

"I didn't hesitate" I say when we finally separate.

"I know, I really thought you were going to let me go though. All I wanted was to stay in there with you, in these damn pyjamas" he looks me up and down with a chuckle.

"Oh shit, your date" I gasp and step back "well, have a good night" I wave and begin to walk back to the apartment.

"What?" he splutters as I start to strut away.

"I'm just kidding, get your ass back in here" I say over my shoulder with a wink "you should probably cancel though"

"I already had when I walked past your room and saw you sitting reading" he shrugs and falls into step beside me.


"Yeah, I realised then that I don't think I could seen anyone else for a long time- even if you didn't want me, I was yours" his hand entwines with mine.

"I've wanted you for a long time Parker, I'm just shit at showing it" we walk back into the apartment and he pulls me to the huge couch.

"You kinda are" he flops down and I fall with him.

"I'm falling for you too and I understand what you do, maybe not why, but I don't care because it's you and everything about you means the world to me. I also understand why you went after Andrew, even after the first time you did it because you were angry for me. I think I was more mad because I didn't do anything and it left you having to, you were right in that sense that I was so broken that I couldn't do anything and part of me is thankful that he paid" he pulls me against his chest and wraps those strong arms around me.

"You're also right, it wasn't my place. He just made me so mad, every time to see you like that felt like a piece of me being tortured. I said to myself I wouldn't go back after the first time but seeing you hurt just got more and more painful, he didn't even regret it. Until last time he begged me to stop" his jaw locks and I look over the dark shadow of anger that covers his face, he feels tense but continues to speak "he never uttered a sorry like he regretted what he did, he just wanted the pain to end for him. That's what pissed me off, the disregard for the pain he'd caused you and Bella"

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