16- Come back to me

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Song of the chapter:
Mirrorball - Taylor Swift

"You two are fucking idiots" Austin throws open the door as Parker goes to get his keys out once we arrive.

"What the hell" Parker jumps and Austin just shuts the door behind him.

"Ummm hello to you too Austin" I say which just causes Austin to glare at us both again.

"Smash relief? Really?" He curses and it feels like I'm being told off by a parent "you guys are lucky it's me and not some creep"

"What are you on about?"i chuckle but Parker just seems to freeze beside me, paling slightly.

"It's where we keep all our shit, all Parker's shit. The place is completely rigged with cameras" Austin exclaims and my eyes go wide.

"What the fuck Parker?" I spin to him and he looks a bit sick.

"How could I forget, shit!" He finally kicks into action pacing the small width of the corridor

"Because I'm the one that checks them dipshit" Austin seems to not be as angry now watching our panicked expressions
"I'm the one that almost had a heart attack when I go to my phone see movement detected, check and Juliette is climbing on top of your stupid ass" he chuckles "I'm the one that had to turn the break room cameras off and pray you kept it in that room"

"Fy faen" Parker pushes Austin's shoulder "could've started with that then had the lecture rather than making me think we accidentally made a porno"

I still glare at Parker despite the relief spreading through me.

"It's the least I deserved after what I saw" Austin gags.

"And what exactly did you see" I say cringing

"Not more than you getting on top of him" Austin whispers to me when Parker goes to open the door

"Thanks Aus" I sigh

"Still fucking idiots" he mutters to himself as we all head inside.

"Hey Bells" I walk over to give Bella a hug as she shits on the couch

"JJ" she launches into my arms giggling "Rosy watched a Peppa Pig with me and helped me with coloring. We did a flower because that's what he is"

"Sounds so much fun" i ruffle her hair as she shows me the picture "it's beautiful"

"Hey Boss" Parker sits beside us "did you and Austin do that"

"Yeah he was lots of fun" she happily shows him to picture too "even more fun than you"

"Now did he tell you to say that" he pokes at her sides with a grin and she giggles


"Knew I was your favourite really, of course after Juliette" he nudges me and I just roll my eyes

"JJ?" She leans up to whisper to me "I'm tried"

I check the time and it's almost 8, she's been up since early and had a long day so I'm not surprised.

"Do you want me to help you get ready for bed?" I say and she nods, her curls flying around her face

"Then can Parker say goodnight too?" she asks quietly and I look over to see an unreadable expression on his face

"Of course boss, you get ready and I'll be in there in a bit"

Bella takes my hand in her own and we walk down to her bedroom. I help her brush her teeth and get changed for bed because the exhaustion has obviously suddenly hit her.

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