7- Anything

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Song of the chapter:
Lifeline- Reuben Gray

He only stares for a moment, I'm aware that even after wiping the worse of the blood off I am still covered. Then I see his eyes change, they soften and take in everything that I am, everything that's left.

"It looks worse than..." for once the lie doesn't come out, I don't want to lie to Parker anymore I'm tired of it.

There's not a second of hesitation when he pulls me close into that safe embrace, the door shuts behind him and I can't even begin to describe the feeling of him knowing, the feeling of hope.

"I am so sorry" he whispers into the top of my head, I pull back confused and look up at him.

"What? Why? I should be the one saying that"

"I knew that something was happening, I should've gone with you. I'm sorry"

I just sigh. "Parker, there is not one thing you should be sorry for. I haven't let anyone know, I know that it was me who did that, you somehow didn't back off and even managed to show me a part of happiness. I'm out of there now and I'm okay with it so please don't ever say sorry when you have been the best thing for a while"

I'm aware of how bad I must look as those dark eyes scan my face, the pad of this thumb brushes against the tender slapped part of my cheek and I bite back a wince as he inspects my nose.

"Let me help you?" he says after those precious seconds of nothing.

"Okay" I sit on the edge of the bed and he gets the cloth and container of water I had by the mirror.

He dips the cloth and wipes my face before moving down to my hands, there's the faint sprinkle of the shower but neither of us say anything. His touch is soft but I can see that there's more by his tense brow.

Finally I am clean and he sits back looking up at me with all the words I know need to be said, I have so much that he'll want to know, that he needs to know.

"You need to change"

"I know" I look at the blood stained jumper and look through my bag for a fresh one. Parker doesn't blink before turning away as I pull the fresh material over my head, I don't think I can feel completely clean yet though.

"Juliette I need you to say it" he whispers and I nod turning back to him and holding my hand out.

"I know"

He takes my hand and softly sits beside me on the bed. "Please"

The tears already gather in my eyes but he needs to hear it as do I. "A little while after mom died he started..." I take a deep breath and look down at our entwined hands. "he started to hurt me"

Parker's grip tightened "I'm safe" I whisper to myself as his threat plays over and over.

"I'm going to fucking kill him" Parker mutters and I look up at his flushed face.

"I'm safe and I'm done with him. Let me leave that in my past" I stand up and in front of him, seated I stand over him this time. I take both his rough hands in mine and his gaze flickers up to meet mine.

"Thank you for everything you've done, you'll never know how much it has helped. Andrew hit me for the last time today. Can I ask you for one thing?" I hold the intense look that is exchanged between us.

"Anything" he whispers and I know that its true, I hope he realizes that it's returned.

"Be here, can I be selfish enough to ask you to be here for me to lean on. I just need..."

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