Epilogue 1

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I used to think when Andrew was gone everything in my life would be better. Now he's gone and it's not.

It's been a while and a lot has changed.

Andrew is in prison and will be for the rest of his life, he went to trial for the attempted murder of Parker Jones and soon the whole truth came out, supported by Austin, Ellie and even Bella spoke a bit. My old boss even came in talking about how she saw me limp and even showed old cctv footage.

I was faintly aware of the story and trial being over the news for a while but soon I got a call. My moms parents. She had always told the story with damp eyes about how she ran states and states to be with my dad only for him to leave her to make a life of her own when I came. I had never considered they'd still be looking for her.

After learning everything on the news they flew out to meet me and Bella, I told them everything. They hugged me and listened the whole time as I told them everything from my mom and dad to Bella, Andrew and even Parker.

They didn't back down and over the weeks we met up more and more. They sold their house to move down here and help with me and Bella. I thought about using the money that I had back from my mom to get an apartment for me and Bella since facing Parker's place was something I don't think I could ever do but I didn't want to face being alone. So since it's just Ellie at home most the time we moved in with her, her parents heard everything through a letter and were so supportive.

I felt so guilty when I found out that her grandmother passed away last year and now when her parents are away it's just her. I should've been there for me but she's been so amazing and says it's fine. We're here for each other now.

Austin lives there and I know how difficult it is for him, smash relief has been closed for a long time. I see him every week and sometimes we'll just sit in silence for a while but at least we know we have each other because fairly often one of us will break down and together we get through it.

Bella hasn't been the same, I don't know if she will be. She's seeing a therapist to talk through everything she's seen and for someone who knows more to teach her how to handle it as she so young.

We play music together still because I want her to experience the hope it gave me when I was learning with mom, Ellie helps when I find it particularly hard because Bella just loves it so much. We've started playing together too, even if it's just for a minute it reminds me of the old times, we've started writing some music too although we are a bit rusty.

I still see Venessa every week to speak about everything that happened and learn new ways to cope. I know I won't be the same after him but I can learn to live and improve with this version of me.

I ended up dropping out and getting my GED but I needed to do something. I began an internship with a small company that focus on music therapy. I'm not one to ever say I can give people that full support but I learn about the group music sessions now. A small group of troubled kids come in and for a couple hours we show them the outlet that is music. I love it.

I visit Parker almost every day, I've been learning Norwegian with him and I'm sure he's cringing at most of my pronunciations but I'm just waiting for the day he can bully me about it. There hasn't been much change apart from some activity spikes which have all the doctors about but so far they've all fallen off into nothing. They tell me not to keep my hopes too high because even if he did wake up there's no saying what kind of state he'll be in. If I can ever hear his voice again then that will be enough.

I tried to avoid his dad for as long as I could, he didn't deserve this to happen to his son and it terrified me that it was all my fault. Then while I was with Parker one day he came in and ignored the pure panic racing through me. He just sat beside me and took my hand, that's all it took for me to break down. I sobbed and apologised and told him I wish he'd never been there and I understand if he doesn't want me with Parker but I can't not see him. Oliver just shook his head and stared me down "never apologise Juliette, I'm so proud my son was capable of that much love" he said with tears in his eyes. And then we sat as we often do now, focusing on how much joy and love he gave out.

As for Andrew, he won't be seeing the light of day for a long time. Austin did some snooping through his many connections and let me know the one thing that unites people in prison is the hatred towards people who abuse innocent children. He let me know that Andrews secret wasn't a secret for long at all.

I visited the cliff once, I wanted to feel closer to him but all I saw was a sad look on his face and felt him shaking his head. It was where we spoke but was never the good parts of our story, since then I've left it alone.

I still read to Bella every night and even she knows I'm faking it but I don't know what else to do.
Maybe time does heal and I've just not had long enough. Until then I'll wait. I'll wait for Parker to wake up or I'll wait for it to stop hurting or I'll wait to be able to sleep properly or I'll wait for something to fill this aching hole in my chest.

One thing is for sure, I'll forever love Parker Jones back and that's our final promise.

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