Epilogue 3

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3 months later

"Look at you Ell" I cry out watching her twirl. My best friend has officially graduated.

"You look great" Parker walks out of her kitchen already eating at the food for later.

"Park" I scold and he just flips me off

Ellie has technically already graduated but her parents are back for a week before heading back to base in another state so we're recreating the ceremony at the house.

"Thank you Parker" she grabs my hand "however we now have a free 20 minutes"

"Music room?" I ask and she nods.

After Parker woke up we decided to slow down a bit so I continued to live with Ellie so we could experience that build up of a 'normal' relationship. Last week me and Bella finally moved back in with him, it's closer to work anyway and Bella loves her room there.

Ellie was quick to change one of the rooms to a music room for us, she has a small desk and a keyboard for me as well as a cheap worn couch she lays on playing her guitar. She has a microphone and computer set up since she's been trying to learn more about production too. She strung lights up all over the ceiling and we're both trying to keep the potted plants that are dotted around alive. It's our favourite place in the whole house.

"Yep, I have an idea" she races up the stairs pulling me along and we quickly settle in our spaces.

She begins to strum and I listen for a while before joining in with the keyboard. She hums along obviously not having lyrics ready yet.

It's crazy, how things are now. The journey is no where near the direction I thought my life would take but I've made it. Through every bad memory and almost last moment I've made it. I have a family I love, related to me or not, I have my amazing boyfriend. I have a goal for the future. I have a life.

"Wow" I glance up seeing her mom standing at the door "I feel like I've gone back four years"

"Tell me about it" Ellie chuckles swinging her legs "I've finished school"

"Talking about that-" her mom starts but Ellie just jumps up

"Not right now, I'm about to graduate" she races down the stairs again "it's starting guys" she yells out.

We all gather in the living room when the doorbell rings.

"Oh that'll be Aus" Parker jumps up and Ellie freezes, she doesn't catch my eye but only stares ahead at where Parker's left.

"Hey, looks like I'm just in time" Austin strolls his grinning, I watch him meet Ellie's gaze and an impossible to read look passes between them.
No one says a word as they seem to have a silent conversation.

"And look who else I found" Parker returns with Mark following.

"Mark" she breathes "you came"

"Of course" he smiles "you invited me"

"Thank you" she rushes over wrapping her arms around him.

Austin doesn't say a word and just sits down beside Parker, no longer watching Ellie.

"So we are gathered here today to celebrate the tremendous effort that went into these student's education. Please congratulate the graduating class of the Stevenson household" her father announces "firstly and lastly graduating with great success despite everything life throws at her. Ellie Stevenson"

Ellie walks over to her father and takes her diploma off him "thanks dad"

"Well I'd like the valedictorian of the Stevenson household to make a speech" Mark says clapping, Austin just tenses glaring at him.

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