No such thing as Fate

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Jin was recovering from his injury, accessorising with crutches for at least two weeks, which meant Yoongi had to take care of him, drive him to physical therapy and pick up chores.

They were seating at the table having lunch, when SeokJin decided to bring up their last conversation.

"So that was her at the hospital uhm?"

"Really Jin? That wasn't subtle at all", Yoongi scolded unamused.

"Did she recognize you?"

"Not even one bit. She just went about her day, which is so odd to me. I'm not used to this at all."

Yoongi was actually confused at this point. Since his 20s, he's always been desired by the masses, a horrible truth he despised, knowing people immediately saw him as a sex object.

It was a tiresome feeling to believe he was only good for one thing, no one wanting to actually know him, to respect him for the human being that he is, the interesting person he'd like to believe he was.

"I hate the attention, the lingering hands and the looks... I was bracing myself for it to happen again, for her to directly make me feel uncomfortable, yet it never happened"

"She's made you feel validated twice already", Jin concluded with a smile on his face.

"Then why do I feel oddly uneasy?"

His head was a walking contradiction. In the past Yoongi would never admit to it, but not having you look at him lustfully bothered him. He wanted you to want him. For the first time ever, he wanted to be coveted by you, but only you.

"Well little brother, what are you gonna do about it? You know where she works now"

"No, I would never jeopardise her work place like that, there are limits."

"So what? Are you gonna let fate handle the situation and pray you run into her again?"

"Can you please shut up? You're putting too much pressure on me now. Just... eat your soup before I stab your other toe!"

Jin's eyes grew two sizes while he dramatically gasped "you're evil".

A little chuckle came out Yoongi's throat right before head spacing for the longest time, assessing how to approach you, how to pursue you, how to charm you, which was something he'd never done before.

It was your day off on a Monday, so you decided to call your bestie to see if she would indulge in having lunch with you.

As soon as you called her, a banshee scream blasted through your phone, her always excited to spend time with you, especially because she /knew/ you had something to share.

CeeCee could read you like a book, no matter how hard you tried to hide your feelings, your fears, your traumas.

The shadow of your past still haunted you, like a leech clung to your life force, yet you learned to live with it, knowing damn well it had taught you to never be a fool again, but you still had your friend to lean on during the hard days.

"Hey babe, where do you wanna go eat?"

"I'm craving that spot down in St.Avenue"

"Oh yes... well let's hope Andrew isn't working today... he was kinda clingy!"

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