Just One Day

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You made love all night, catering to each other until the morning while professing your love up to the very early rays of sunlight invaded the room.

Totally spent and incandescently happy, you fall asleep, inner peace flooding you both, allowing for the most tranquil slumber.

As if magnetically connected, every inch of you rested adjacent to him, keeping each other warm, comforted.

The bubble of bliss surrounding you extended beyond time. Although a lot still remained to be discussed, nothing could erase the fact you were both in love and aware of each other's feelings.

The clock struck noon when Yoongi's eyes fluttered open. He wasn't alone. Smiling so brightly it hurt his cheeks, he quietly shifted in bed to better appreciate your sleeping beauty.

He had missed seeing you tangled in his sheets, completely drained and at ease, body and mind in harmony, this time also emotionally linked.

Eager to prepare you breakfast, he shimmies out of bed and goes to freshen up before bolting to the kitchen.

In absolute silence not to wake you up before it's time, he makes you your favourite sandwich, adding a heart shaped semi-cooked yolk on top.

Giggling for he knew his brothers would mock him till the end of time if they knew how cheesy he just behaved and making a mental note to call them soon, he waltzes back to the room to wake you up.

Laying next to you, he brushes your hair away from your softened sleepy features, gently kissing your cheek and nose until you scrunch it unamused.

It's the most adorable sight and he wishes to freeze time for all eternity.

You lazily groan, clearly unhappy to have been woken up but the moment your eyes open to him greeting you good morning, the world is a wonderful place.

You fluster at the sight of Min Yoongi ogling you, his stare inducing a simmering tingling underneath your skin, your body's heavy soreness reminding you of last night's all night festivities.

"Good morning", he says in his honey dripping voice.

You can only mumble, your post-slumber self still holding the reigns of your brain functions.

"Come, I've made you breakfast"

Your eyes dilate at the mention of food, him noticing your sudden enthusiasm. Chuckling his way out of bed, he heads for the door in content when you call him.

"Do you... have a spare toothbrush?"

"Already in the bathroom. It's the purple one. And you also have fresh towels by the sink. Hurry up. I'll be waiting for you... Jagi"

Blushing effervescently, you wait for him to disappear from your line of sight to cartoonishly melt in absolute happiness.

It felt surreal.

Before making your way to the bathroom, you go through his drawers to find yet another shirt for you to cover with. Another one for your collection.

Finally ready, you go to him in the kitchen, where he's cutting fresh fruit. Approaching him, you hug his side to steal a kiss.

"Good morning"

"It is indeed"

You're both pathetically smiling.

"Take a seat, I've made your favourite"

"You've always pampered me too much"

"Is that a complaint?" He smirks.

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