Self Deceit

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He opened his eyes the second he felt his heart in compass with another. He feared moving an inch, aware it would all be over the moment you'd realize the intimacy of having slept in each other's arms.

He didn't move. He simply indulged in your presence, light as a feather on top of him yet heavy in the power it held in his heart.

Your scent invaded his senses, awakening an ache for you he had felt daily since first making your acquaintance.

The comfort blanket that was your heat was still very much present, surrounding his aura in a loving and careful way as if heat itself knew to not overdo it, otherwise your consciousness would snap you out of it, sensing the danger of commitment.

Truth was, happiness filled the room. He couldn't speak for you, but your body language transpired comfort and ease.

You were so relaxed, your head resting on his clavicle while your heart connected with his, legs yet again intertwined in the most natural way.

His arm was keeping you in place by your back, him being able to sense your chest rise and fall against his rib cage while your breasts caressed his skin with the motion, your hair covering his arm all the way down to his elbow as your left hand mimicked a hug around his chest.

Serenity was the word to describe his state of mind.

Actually... serenity was the perfect word for him to describe you.

You were // his // serenity.

And he was gonna keep it this way for as long as possible, bathing in your proximity until it was time to let you go.

When he felt you shifting, he pretended to still be asleep, curious to how you would react if he wasn't a variable you had to deal with just yet.


What a marvellous feeling to be surrounded by.

It was an unusual one, yet your body seemed to recognize this bliss and react accordingly to it.

Your mind apparently knew it too... Min Yoongi.


Oh no.

Oh no no no....

When your eyes brought you out of your slumber, making you aware of your surroundings, he sensed your heart rate increase exponentially.

Developing a frown in between his eyes while remaining utterly still, he awaited for the moment you'd burst the loving bubble around you.

Just like a broken enchantment, you acknowledged the fair torso rising underneath you, your skin tones contrasting against one another; a pair of arms embracing you dearly like a pirate would a treasure; the intimacy of the position you both laid in, as you were still naked and aligned.

Mind rivalling heart, your hand unwrapped itself from his neck and gently caressed his cheek. You smiled at the touch, at the way he looked so peaceful in your arms.

But as much as Min Yoongi appeared to be the perfect man, you knew it to be a facade.

You knew how deceitful they could be in order to get what they needed while also destroying you without you even realizing it, until it was too late.

This had to end. Whatever /this/ was, couldn't continue. He had way too much dominion over you, incapacitating your ability to focus, to control yourself.

Last night, in a moment of vulnerability, you indulged in your deepest desires. Last night was now over.

Aware you had to part ways, you braced yourself knowing he'd wake up, yet you couldn't move.

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