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The morning rays were blinding Yoongi's eyes, his vision depicting reality in shades of yellow, an ecstatic mood swelling his lungs as he became excited to see how this new filter would look against your naked marked back.

His eyes turned to where you should have been, an abyss of solitude filling his soul as he realized he woke up alone.

It was just sex, he reminded himself, even though still hopefully expecting you to share breakfast with him the morning after.

Clearly your plans were to vanish in the middle of the night as if ashamed of having slept with him. He sighed knowing damn well you warned him about your intentions.

He couldn't be mad. You were upfront from the beginning. And he wanted this too. He just wasn't expecting everything to end so quickly. It wasn't enough.

Last night had been the best night of Yoongi's life. He couldn't measure it. He felt so many emotions all at once, it was an overwhelmingly charged up night.

Rumbling against the sheets, he let his mind travel back to the moments you had shared together.

It had everything a perfect sexual encounter should have: respect, interest in your partner's needs, care, active listening, teasing, dirty talk, excitement, pure attraction and lust...

He has never had sex like that before in his life. He could still feel your heat lingering against his skin, like a blanket preventing sadness from actually sinking in.

The way your body genuinely responded to his touch, to his work, your total surrender.

And his own body behaving in perfect sync with yours, committed to each moment, each reaction, each display of pleasure.

The sheets shifted in his lower region, showing him how vividly he was remembering you, your silky moans echoing repeatedly on his mind, as if a speaker was plugged in.

Frustrated, he got up and went to compose. The chilling cold from the morning made his body shiver, him not caring in the slightest, having only a bed sheet around his waist.

He would bathe in your scent for a little longer, before /trying/ to snap out of it, his digits fondling the keys of the piano as his living room welcomed the emotional melody reverberating against the walls.

You were incredibly groggy, your body feeling all types of numbness and extreme heaviness.

What the hell?

Your mind was still half asleep, lost in a pit of confusion when a sudden lucid moment hit you, unveiling the origin of your soreness.

Your cheeks heated up, redness spilling across your features like lava, your body instinctively tingling where he'd touched you rougher, longer, intensively. Everywhere!

Oh my...

Best sex of your entire life! It was... the way he touched you, not afraid to explore your body, your pleasure, actually invested in increasing your experience to the fullest, completely in the moment, synching his pleasure to were melting...

Damn it! Get yourself together! Yes it was amazing, I mean, AMAZING, but you weren't going to lose sleep over it.

It was still 10am and you had nowhere to be today, being your day off.

You let yourself fall asleep again. God knew how sleep deprived you had been for weeks and right now your body was so relaxed, you knew you'd quickly fall back asleep.

Or so you thought.

Your mind was running wild, flashbacks of last night's festivities coming to life, audible ones, which was way worse because auralism was one of your fetishes, one which could keep you up all night long as multiple orgasms ripped you apart.

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