Chapter 35

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Aaron's POV

Sitting in the office, I twirled the glass of water in my hand as I leaned back in the chair and stared at the empty screen of my desktop. I had work to do, papers to sign, and deals to talk about, but all I had been doing since yesterday was thinking. Quite in the peace of my office room, my mind wandered to the argument between Aisha and me.

I went to her apartment in the morning hoping to talk things out, but when no response came even after waiting for an hour I had to turn my back and return to the office. I sighed when moments replayed in my mind. How could she say that she would go away and leave me behind like a mess? I wanted to follow her when she went outside, without glancing back at me. I wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her that it was not her who did not deserve me, but vice versa. And whatever I felt for her was not some infatuation, but a forever kind of thing. The end game. She was 'it' for me and no power in this world would change that.

What did I do instead? I stayed in my office, looking in the hallway with a blank expression as I watched her go away from me. As I saw her slipping through my fingers just like that. And I swear if the argument went on for another minute, my anger would have exploded. Because I was this close to telling her that I was in love with her, I won't allow myself to spend any more moments without her being in my life.

A vicious smile spread over my lips with a tug in my heart.

I love her.

I love her.

I love her. Madly. Deeply. Totally. With my everything.

The bubble soon popped when the office door opened and Mark came inside with a frown on his face.

"There is someone called Rahul in reception. He is creating a scene and says he knows you." He said.

I knitted my brows, standing up as I peeked out to catch the glimpse of Rahul's back. He was running his hands through his hair, all dressed up in a grey suit with a travel bag in his hand. I tug the button off my suit jacket as I walked up to him.

"Rahul," I said in a high voice. A few employees turned their heads in my direction, a few stopped doing their work.

I blinked, stumbling back when Rahul's fist connected my cheekbone. He grabbed my collar, pulling me more toward him. I pushed his chest away from me with the force of my palms. before he could jump back on me, and hit me, Mark grabbed his waist to hold his angry overactive body away from me.

"Where is she?" Rahul shouted in the middle of the hallway. "Where the fuck is she, Aaron? I asked you to protect her."

Tears gathered in his eyes, and my heart stopped beating. Worst of the worst scenarios ran through my mind but my mouth stayed shut.

"Please," Rahul sobbed under Mark's hold. "Please tell me where is she? Please just say that she is at your parent's house and I am not too late."

"What are you talking about Rahul?" I said, motioning my hand in a wave to Mark.

Rahul took a deep breath as he wiped his eyes with the back of his palm. Ignoring the thunder of my heart in the chest I asked Rahul to come into my office to talk. Away from the eyes and ears of the world. Once inside, I saw papa sitting on the right side. As soon as I closed the office door, Rahul turned toward me. It had only been weeks but his eyes were darker, and the salt pepper beard grew down to his chin. He looked thinner than I last saw him and much more tired.

At least those puffy red eyes were the proof.

"Now tell me where is she?" Rahul asked.

"She is not here. Nor at my parent's house."

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