Memory Loss; Attempts

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"I'm really glad I met you, I hope we can escape and live together!!" Now I remember it a little bit, this feeling is called happiness, right? I think I've felt it before but I still can't smile, I still can't jump up in excitement or none of that stuff at all but oh...I guess showing my way of happiness are the plants in my hair growing around the room is that it? " Uh Izu, your hair..." Yup I was right.
Now that I actually think about it, when was the last time I tried to escape? I know was at least Eri's age I think. I though I saw someone and they looked fam-* GAG*

3rd person-
* GAG* Blood and even some substance she's never seen before came out of her mouth. Then she felt something in her brain and it was actually worse than any other pain she's had before, bad enough that she actually felt it. She screamed in pain holding her head and rolling around. Eri started crying out of fear and confusion, running to Izuku's side and hugging her, " Izu!? Izu?! Can you hear me?!" The only thing Izuku could see was darkness after she passed out from the pain. Some scientists came running in and took Izuku, leaving Eri alone. After the scientist left with Izuku, Overhaul walked into the room approaching Eri,  taking out of sharp knife, " Now, let's finally continue where we left off, and don't try to struggle this time, little shit."
I only saw darkness like usual. I didn't feel anything, but this place of darkness is different. I saw a green light not too far ahead and as I got closer the green light was another version of me. It was curled into a ball and from what I could tell, this one doesn't have any scars or anything so this must be my free will and memory. I also realized it was slowly fading away. Now I get it, the chemicals my BODY was denying went to my brain and damaged my temporal lobe where my memories are stored. Every time I try to remember something from the past it immediately blocks it and something activated, something that doesn't want me to remember. I guess it makes sense it's best I- " IZUKU!!!! HELP ME!!!"
I finally woke up, "Eri..."

3rd person-
Eri did everything she could to make sure Overhaul couldn't get the knife on her. She was crying and crying for help for a long time until she remembered, " Eri, if *cough* you're ever in deep trouble just scream really loud, as loud as you can, I'll hear you and be able to help, from *gag* anywhere..." Taking advantage she screamed as loud as she could for help, "Shut the hell up you-" The whole wall broke down, a murderous presence flooded the room. Overhaul was going to run out but the wall reverted back and door wouldn't open. He felt a tap on his shoulder and immediately turned around but didn't see anyone but Eri still on the floor crying. He was then kicked in the face and saw Izuku standing in from my him. He was going to attack her but saw that she was holding the one person he didn't want to be separated with, his former boss of the Shie Hassaikai. Izuku had the man in a head lock with a knife made of fire to his neck, " I'll tell you this one last time, leave the girl alone, or I will him him and everyone in this laboratory." Overhaul laughed and pulled out a button and pressed it, Izuku's body went into shock from intensity, she didn't feel it but her body still went into shock. She collapsed dropping the man, " Dumbass..." "What!" "Dumbass." She used the electricity to kill the man and Overhaul immediately went into a state of panic, too focused on the man to pay attention to Izuku and Eri. Izuku got up and grabbed Eri and made a run for it, killing every scientist that tried to stop them, but one of them caught her off guard and stabbed a syringe into her neck, stopping her movement and relaxing her muscles, so they thought. One of the scientists tried to grab Eri but to their surprise, Izuku could still move and she stabbed her nails into their leg that was now covered in poisonous flowers that could cause severe damage to the human body if touched or smelt. Izuku crawled towards Eri and hugged her in a protective way. That's when Izuku blacked out, she couldn't see what it was, whether she was hit with something or it was another syringe with a drug in it.
Where am I? Who am I? I don't remember anything, I can't feel anything either. I opened my eyes but I could see out of right eye, I mean could from my left but it was weird. I looked around and found a man working on something on the counter in front of him. When I looked at him though, my vision from my left eye was weird, it was pitch black but the man, I could see some weird mist or energy. I looked  down at my hands after feeling a small sting. What? Both of them had the signs for...d€v!ł. But both were on the outside of my hand. I looked at both my palms, the right said life, the left said death. I got off the bed I was on and went to look at a mirror I saw. I heard the man turn around swiftly and he grabbed a syringe, I looked at my left hand, " Understand..." the man stopped. I looked him dead in the eyes and he looked horrified, " Now I understand..." I put my left hand on his stomach and he exploded, from skin the the muscles then to the bones and then the bones shattered. Some of his blood was on me and maybe some intestines too, I didn't mind though, almost like it felt normal to do so. Now I was wondering what would happen if I were to touch the wall. I did, but nothing happened so that means it can only means it has to be alive, clearly. I took some bandages to cover both my arms but that's when I realized that there was some weird pattern on my right arm and I looked at my left but it was different. The patterns covered my whole arm and went to my back. Taking off the shirt I could see all the scars I've gotten since...wait, since when? How am I even like this? Why do I have so many scars, when did I get a quirk? When did I get a quirk...right, I was quirkless and...and what? I can't remember anything. I look at the scars on my arm again and saw a tattoo that said 006. Now I remember, I'm an experiment and I had a cell. I can get to it through the mirror I guess. After I finished rapping up my bandages I climbed into the mirror and made my way to my cell. When I reached it, I climbed out and looked around and that's when I saw a little girl crying. My brain is saying 'who is she?' But my heart is saying ' Who hurt her?' I don't even know her? But...she does look familiar, " Izu..." she said. that my name? I put my finger up and walked to the little girl, ' What's your name?' She looked up at me with more tears flooding down her eyes, " remember me don't you?" I stayed silent, " Your full name is Izuku, and it's me Eri!" I still don't remember, the name doesn't even sound familiar to me..."E-Eri..." I tried to say but I ended up coughing blood out in the process. She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back, but I still can't remember my name, Izuku, I don't feel any connection with that doesn't ring a bell,but the little girl says that it's my name then it must be. I was also wondering if this new quirk is attached to my emotions like some of the other ones. When I killed the man, I only did so because I felt a little bit of rage. So what if...?
I picked Eri up and put her on my bed, ' I want to show you something' I took off the bandages and showed her the marks, ' I don't know what this new quirk is but it's somehow traveled to my left eye as well. The marks also go down to my back, but I can't see the mark so can you draw it out or describe it to me?' Eri nodded and I turned around she lifted my shirt up and I heard her gasp, which told me is wasn't good. She grabbed the paper in the corner and started drawing.
A few minutes after she finished she put down her pencil and look scared to show me what it was. She slowly lifted the paper and showed me....did they do a ritual or set a curse on me? The picture was a p€/@gr@m with the sign for d€^!l in the middle. That explains why my Angel wing in my right side is black. My eye is probably the same thing, a p€/@gr@m with the sign for d€^!l as my pupil. And the white was black when I last checked. I made a flower and signed for Eri to sit next to me. The flower is alive, I put my left hand over it and it withered away. I covered my left hand with the bandages and then put my right hand over the withered pieces and it came back to life. Eri started jumping around and asking how I did it. I shrugged. My left eye still felt weird and my throat started hurting. My head started hurting as well. I really can remember who I am and the name Eri doesn't ring a bell at all. Wait, if Eri knows everything then I can ask her, " Before I lost my memory, what happened for this to occur?" " W-we were trying to e-escape, the bad man tried to hurt me and I think you snapped, you k-killed someone important to him I'm guessing and then you took me and tried to run for the exit to escape...we were almost there but you got hit in the head and they injected something into your head which I-I'm guessing made you lose your memory..." Now this is a feeling I recognize, the feeling of nothing...I don't feel anything, happiness, sadness, hatred, love, nothing like that...the only emotion I've ever felt is rage...that's the only thing I've ever felt.
After a few hours of spending time with Eri, I realized that if we were able to get that close to the exit the first time then we can try again. I grabbed her, set off the alarm and made a run for it. I held her in my right hand since I took the bandage on my left hand off. I killed every guard that tried to stop us. I ran and took a right and there was a door, there light shining from under, as I was about to kick the door open, I was shot with something and I immediately felt dizzy. With the rest of my strength, teleported Eri and I back to the cell. This was going to take many tries...

3rd person-
The substance induced into Izuku was a sleeping substance and she didn't wake up until 2 hours and 48 minutes passed. She struggled to get up because her muscles were sore. She looked in the mirror to see if anything changed. Nothing did. She snapped out of it and grabbed Eri again and did the same thing, set the alarm off and made a run for it. She heard guards chasing her so she jumped and kicked the ceiling making it collapse, blocking their way to get to her. She made a clone and made it go right but she actually went left. She didn't sense nor hear any guards ahead of her so she kept going, until she got hit the head and again using her last minute strength to teleport them back to the cell.
By now, it taken 17 tries to escape, and resulted in Izuku getting more head injuries which wasn't good at all. By this time, her memories were getting more messed up as she kept getting hit in the head. She began forgetting what she even is, who she even is and more. She started even forgetting the reason of why she was even trying to leave this place but she couldn't even remember what place she's even held captive in. She didn't give up until the last three tries though, because she realized that each try, she got closer and closer and closer to the exit. On the last try, gave up, she realized that all of these attempts to escape were useless...Izuku and Eri were never going to be able to leave this Hell...

Sorry for the extremely long break, I had some personal stuff to deal with but I will try to upload as much as I can. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope your enjoying this story in general. Have a great day/night💞

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