Sanity; Brotherly Problems

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Hi! Sorry before we start the next chapter I just need to clarify this:
Dad: Present Mic/ Hizashi
Papa: Eraserhead/Shota Aizawa
Thank you!

3rd person-
Izuku and Eri were met with a man with long blonde hair and a boy with messy purple hair and dark spots under his eyes. Eri being a little shy and intimidated, hid her face in Izuku's shirt, " Izuku, Eri, this is my husband and my other child." Hizashi tried to approach them, " Don't get too close, unless you wanna get sent to the ER by that..." Aizawa warned him while looking at Izuku's sharp tail that was literally about to do so if he hadn't warned Hizashi to stop, " Protective of the little one?" He asked. Aizawa nodded, " Makes sense. Well, my name is Hizashi, you'd an call me Dad, this boy right here is Hitoshi, he'll be your..." "Older." "Older brother." Hizashi then walked back when he saw how Izuku was staring at them. He stood beside his husband, " Why is she looking at me like that? I'm sorry it just creeps me out, she has like no emotion in her face." " She has something called Alexithymia, she has no ability to show any emotion whatsoever. But, she's showed little signs of irritation and anger before." "Ah...I see" "I know it's creepy but try to deal with it. And for the love of God Hizashi whatever you do around those two, DON'T SCREAM" " Got it, understood."
"Toshi, can you show your little sisters their room please and maybe after that, show them around the house more too? Thanks love ya." Hizashi asked him, " Alright...come with me." Izuku looked at Aizawa, " You can go with him, he's trustworthy." She then followed Toshi up the stairs. They took a left and down the hall was a room, " This your room, mine is the third one down the hall." Izuku nodded, " No thank you?" He asked angrily, " S-she c-can't talk..." Eri said quietly but he heard her, " Oh...." He said walking away back to his room.
Izuku walked into the room with Eri. The room was big, the bed was big and there were two big love-sacs and they looked soft and comfy. Eri walked in while gasping at the beauty of the room. Izuku closed the door and walked around herself. She found a huge body mirror on the wall and below was a brown dresser with multiple drawers to use. In the middle near the far point of the room was their bed, which was beautiful king sized bed. There wasn't anything on it yet since Aizawa and Hizashi wanted them to chose how to decorate their room of their choice which wouldn't even be a problem. That's when they heard knocking on the door, " It's me, Papa." Izuku opened the door with Telekinesis, " How do you like your new room?" Izuku gave him a thumbs up, " Perfect. Also I have a friend who wants to see you, is that okay?" Izuku nodded, " Meet us downstairs when you're ready." Izuku reached hand out to Eri and Eri took it. She then lifted Eri up and walked downstairs. They were met with a woman with purple hair and blue eyes, " OH." "Nemuri..." " MY." "Pls..." "GOODNES-" Aizawa put his hand over her mouth, " You can't yell around them." " Oh....but they're so adorable."
Nemuri walked over to them, " And don't get too close." Aizawa pointed at Izuku who liked she was gonna kill Nemuri, who had immediately backed away, " Hello cuties, I'm Nemuri, you can call me Aunty. You fathers sent me since you need some clothes because of course men aren't good with decisions so they called me." Aizawa glared at her from behind as she chuckled, " Get your shoes on and let's go."
After two hours the three had finally come back. It took 45 minutes to unload everything though because Nemuri bought the whole clothing store. They had about 32 bags of clothes and shoes and other female products...
"Nemuri I am never letting you shop with my kids again." Aizawa scolded her, " But you said they needed clothes..." " I said clothes not the whole damn company!" "Well a woman has to stay ready, you never know!" "Get the fuck out my house you crazy lady." "Hmph! Alright bye cuties! Aunty Nemuri will come visit another time!" She said leaving their house, " *sigh* So, how was it?" Aizawa asked his kids, " It w-was okay..." Eri mumbled but Aizawa heard her, " Hey Eri, you're not at the place anymore, you speak can freely." Eri began to cry. Which Izuku had heard...which did not go well...Izuku had heard her crying from her room and Aizawa and Hizashi had to struggle to find a way for her to stop crying so they don't get massacred, " H-hey Eri sweetie! I-it's ok just pls don't cry..." they were too late though. Izuku looked like she was going to let all hell break loose, " Izuku I swear we didn't do anything, all we had told her is that she could speak freely here and she started crying I promise!" Hizashi panicked, " I-it's true Izu..." Eri said. Hearing that Izuku had calmed down and they're her fathers were saved. Meanwhile Hitoshi in the back was about call an exorcist while holding 5 different crucifixes in his hands.
It was finally time for dinner and everyone came to dining table while Shota made food. Hizashi was setting up the table while the kids watched TV until it was time to eat. Toshi kept glaring at Izuku which she didn't care, not that she could but she noticed it made Eri uncomfortable so she just looked him dead the face which had creeped him out because her eyes are just dull and she has no emotion on her face, so he quit. Eventually the food was ready, " Food's ready, come eat." Everyone went to sit at the dining table as Hizashi and Shota handed out the plates with steaming hot food. Eri looked famished, she was amazed by the food and to her it looked delicious, but she still wasn't smiling. Izuku had not expression on her face but you could tell she enjoyed the food. That's when Shota realized something, " Izuku, why do you have an eyepatch on your left eye? If you don't want to answer that fine. I was just curious." Silence fell, "All I'll say is that I can't show it to you." "Anyway, what are we doing tomorrow!" He yelled trying to change the mood, " Maybe we can walk around the city, so Izuku and Eri can get to know the world more." Aizawa suggested. Eri nodded in agreement, Izuku put a thumbs up and Toshi nodded, " Then it's settled, now everyone go take a shower and go to bed." Aizawa said tiredly.
While Izuku was taking a shower, she realized there was blood draining from her body. It was going inside the drain. Soon the blood became darker and darker and darker, till it was black. The lights began to flicker and then burned out. Izuku used the eye on her head for light. She turned off the water, dried herself  then got a robe to cover herself. She then found the light switch and tried to turn it in but it didn't work. She began to feel a presence behind her so she turned around and met the mirror. In the mirror she saw her... Why was she here...? " Hi Izuku~ long time no see~" Izuku looked at her blankly, " Aww~ why so salty? You're wondering why I'm here right?" Izuku held her throat, " In all honesty I don't give a damn of why you're here..." she replied, coughing up blood soon after. She scoffed, feeling slightly insulted, " Now, now~why do you feel the need to be so rude?" She asked while slowly climbing out the mirror, her body was covered in black ink. She hugged Izuku pressing her body so close to hers and lifting her leg up, " Why did you make such a stupid choice, you could've gone with me! I could've put you out your misery sweetie~" She wined, cupping her hands on Izuku's face, " Remember, you could always rethink your choice. I'm pretty sure you know where to find me if you want to~" She laughed mischievously as she danced back into the mirror. This is the first time Izuku felt annoyed or irritated whatever it is. She walked out of the bathroom, going to her room.
Izuku go to her room, she realized she had forgot to decorate, she removed the hair covering her forehead revealing the eye again. A gold and neon green light circulated around the room and then exploded. After the little particles of light disappeared, you could how the room was designed. The walls had a beautiful spiral design of neon green and white with different colored realistic roses, mainly colors red, sky blue, midnight purple and pink, and white. The fluffy mat on the floor that covered all of the room floor was red with grass green in spirals.
The sheets for the bed were very dark green and velvet red, the pillows were white and just perfect. Izuku walked over to the window and put her hands on the wall. Thin, small green vines with red and pink flowers surrounded the window, moonlight filling the room.
Izuku put in a gray sweatshirt and some black sweatpants and walked to Toshi's room. She opened the door without knocking and saw him playing video games. She walked in and sat next to him quietly and watched him. He groaned loudly after suffering defeat and he fell backwards only to realize Izuku was in his room and he didn't even know at all. He screamed and jumped away and almost ran out his room, the screaming part was the only bad part...Izuku's body suddenly just didn't move but had dropped limp to the floor. Her eyes rolled back, " Shit...PAPA!! DAD!! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH IZUKU!!! COME QUICKLY!" He was panicking, as much as he didn't like Izuku nor Eri in this household he didn't want them to be going through something like this. Shota and Hizashi came sprinting into his room to find Izuku unconscious with her mouth almost foaming, " I'm not mad, just tell us what happened." He told Toshi, " I don't really know! I was playing video games and I guess she had just came in and I didn't realize so it scared the shit out of me when I realized and I-" " You yelled?" "Yea..." " Well number one, you cannot scream around  Izuku nor can you do that with Eri. It's fine, you didn't know and that's ok." Shota grabbed a flashlight and shined the light in her eyes while spreading them open with his fingers. Her eyes werent moving not were her pupils weren't reacting to the light, " Her body's in shock. Toshi call an ambulance right now!" "But-" " Now!" Toshi did so and told them everything.
Toshi, Hizashi, Shota and Eri were waiting out Izuku's hospital room. Eri was sobbing and couldn't stop. Aizawa was hugging her, reassuring her that Izuku would be fine so she could stop crying, sure he's only been her father for a day but he doesn't want to see her in this state. The whole purpose of adopting them was so they could experience happiness. Soon Doctor Kira had come out of the room, " She's okay, remember I had told you that loud noises wouldn't do it. Like I had also said before, she still has severe trauma, her face may not show it, but bodily functions will most definitely react to whatever may trigger her, such as screaming."

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