Brother and Sister bonding; Unexpected Encounter

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3rd person-
Toshi and Izuku have been getting closer over the last couple days. They started doing everything together and Izuku would have to come get Toshi to bring him home so he doesn't get followed nor beat up again, and he finds it a little embarrassing that people have to see that his little sister is his bodyguard. They've become so close that Aizawa and Mic have became a little concerned because they know that Toshi is not the social nor the bonding type at all. Izuku was soon enrolled into the school that her brother goes to because Aizawa and Mic can't always bring her with them since they're always busy nowadays.
Hitoshi and Izuku were walking to school together and chatting on the way, " So how do you like the uniform?" Toshi asked, " It's ok, a little tight on certain areas but that's fine." "At least you like it." " So you'll show me around the school right?" " Totally." Once they got to the school, everyone began to talk about Izuku, " who's the new girl?" " Why is she with that freak?" " What's she doing that monster?" " Who is she?" stuff like that.The two made it to the Principal's office, " Hi, Ms. Retrasada." Toshi greeted her, peaking inside" Aizawa, what the hell do you want!" Izuku barged in, " I appreciate it if you don't talk to my brother that way, especially if you wanna keep your reputation and not look bad,especially in front of a new student such as myself." " Oh my! I didn't know! Im so-" " Quit with the nice act and apologize to my brother, not me." The lady frowned, " My apologies Aizawa, please excuse my rude behavior." " It's fine." Toshi was trying so hard to hold in his laugh, " Also, my sister can't physically talk, so just try to figure that shit out." "Oh uhm...thanks for letting me know. Anyway, here are your class periods and I'm sure your brother will gladly show you around."
Izuku walked out with Toshi without saying anything, " Alright so I'll just show you where our homeroom is and then, wait just let me see your paper." Izuku gave him the paper, " Oh shit, this'll be easy, you have every single class with me!" " Is that good?" " Ouch...."
When the two got to their homeroom, it was noisy, and Izuku can't really do noisy. Toshi tried to make her not pay attention to the loud noises which worked only so little. Her vision had become blurry and her ears began to ring, " Hey, Zuzu stay with me okay just, don't pay attention block the noises out okay?!" Clearly his attempt in trying to make her calm down wasn't working so he had to drag her out of the room. They went to the janitors room ( don't ask how he got the key.)
"Okay Zuzu listen to me, can you hear me? Give any sign if you can hear me!" She didn't move or anything, ' oh shit!' He thought. He pulled out his phone and was about to call Aizawa but suddenly felt a tight grip on his arm, " Don't call them...I'm fine." "Oh thank you goodness." Toshi said relieved as he hugged her, " Do you just wanna skip the classes or-" " No, I'm fine..." " So, what happened? Was it the loud noises or was it just the amount of people that overwhelmed you?" " Noises." Toshi began digging through his bag and found ear plugs, " Here take these, they can block out the loudness in the room." She took them and put them in, " You can still hear me though right?" She gave him a thumbs up, " good, now lets go to first period I'm pretty sure the bell just rang." As soon as she opened the door, they were met with the janitor, " I don't get payed enough for bullshit like this crap, just get the hell out!" He yelled so they scurried out and went to class.

While they were in class, Izuku felt people staring at her but they weren't good stares. Not only that but it was very clear that the teacher was a creep because he kept staring her legs and the other girls. She also noticed some boy kept bothering Toshi by throwing paper at his head. With telekinesis, she swept his chair and the boy fell but not without hitting his head directly on the desk.
Everyone laughed at him as he got up with embarrassment. Hitoshi looked at Izuku and smiled, he knew it was her, she's used her telekinesis around him before, " Aizawa, would you quit looking at the new student please! You can have fun later!" "Sir she's my sister..." the whole class went silent, " Well, your sister certainly is-" one of the square ceilings fell directly on top of the teacher's head and he ended up falling unconscious. Izuku looked around like nothing happened like what just happened wasn't her fault.

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