She's Back III-Make Your Choice...

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3rd person-
It was finally the next morning and before going to work, Aizawa and Mic went straight to the hospital to get Izuku.

When they arrived, Izuku was confused, " I could've waited until you guys were done with work." She said. Aizawa looked at her, " If you would like to wait till tomorrow afternoon for us to pick you up that's fine. Or you could wait a whole 'nother week that's fine with us too." Izuku gave him a blank stare and just laid back down.

Aizawa finally finished filling out the sheet he was given, took Izuku and just went back home to drop her off.
" Alright, we're off to work now. Izuku, stay home and look after Eri, plus you need to recover from might have. If anything goes wrong, call me or Mic immediately. Understood?"
Izuku and Eri nodded.
"Good. Alright see you later."

Once the door closed, Izuku turned the TV on for Eri to watch, as she just pulled out a book for herself.


Time passed and Eri had actually fell asleep while watching TV.
So Izuku turned it off and then tugged Eri into a blanket as she laid silently on the couch.
Izuku continued to read her book until, but she suddenly began to hear whispers everywhere around her.
As rapidly and as much as she looked around, she didn't see anything. The whispers didn't stop and almost consumed Izuku, until she heard a huge, loud thud from their room.
But Izuku was also confused...
She knows every window upstairs and downstairs are locked, and the curtains are drawn. She knows and makes sure of it ANY time she's home alone with Eri, Toshi or just by herself in general.

Izuku looked at Eri who was thankfully, still sleeping soundly.
As Izuku slowly stood up, she used one of her quirks, Crystalizer, as she produced a shiny silver crystal.
She broke it into pieces and picked up the largest broken piece, as she then continued to look at it and seeing how good the reflection of it was.
Knowing so, she threw it near the bottom of the staircase.
Paying attention to its mirroring, that's when she saw it...
The tall, lanky pitch black figure standing at the top of the staircase.
Izuku's plan now at this point was to just grab Eri and leave to house immediately. But when
Izuku tried to move, she couldn't.
She continued to try and force herself to keep moving but it just put more pain on her body.

Suddenly, she couldn't feel her limbs. She couldn't feel her body. All of her just went numb. She couldn't move and her body had gone limp which caused her to just collapse to the floor.
She blinked once and suddenly she was somewhere else.
It was pitch black, just overwhelmed with complete darkness.

Izuku's ears then began to ring.
Her vision was also going in and out, like a flashing light.
Her breathing became short and more frantic, almost like there was absolutely no room for oxygen where she was.
It was also very cold, not like Izuku could actually feel it but it was very cold.

Soon, her vision began to blur out fully and the ringing in her ears got louder, as she felt her body beginning to officially just shut down and fall asleep. But, then a sudden voice spoke,
" We only want to help Izuku."
The voice said, as the sound of bare feet walking coming towards Izuku.

" You have many lovely gifts Izuku. You really are quite the fortunate girl..."

Izuku then started feeling quite nauseous. To her, this was her first time experiencing that feeling of nausea, well, this bad at least.
She was confused.
Everything was going... just normal..., why did it have to take such a turn...?
" And, you have many people who love you deeply, Izuku..."

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