Epilogue <3

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14 years later

Odasaku pov

Today is my 6th birthday and I'm so excited!!!

Daddy said that when he gets home from work there's gonna be a special surprise! I hope it's a present. I wonder what Daddy's doing at work today. Papa says that he has a special job and he helps to protect the city.

"Papa, what do you do at your job again?" I ask, squirming to try to get into a comfortable position with my seatbelt.

"Don't squirm, Oda." Papa says. "I work at a special agency that helps save people! Maybe you'll work there someday too!"

"Will I be gifted like you and Daddy?" I ask.

"Maybe. Look, we're at your school! Have a great birthday! I love you!" He opens the car door for me and kisses me on the forehead.

"I love you too!" I skip off to the school yard.

"Rui! Look! Look!" I run up to Rui, my best friend, in the school yard. He's the bestest friend in the whole world. "Today is my birthday! I got a toy! Look, it's a car!"

"Wow! That's so cool!" He says. "Can I touch it?"

"Hmm, well you are my best friend, so I guess you can. Just don't tell anyone else, ok?"

He nods and I hand him the car. "Woooaahh, this is so cool! I wish it was my birthdaaayyy..."

"It's okay, you'll be six years old in just a few months too, and then we can be six together!" I pat him on the back.

His face brightens immediately. "Oh yeah!"

"Let's go play before school starts!"


When school is over, Papa is waiting for me in the school yard.

"Hiii! How was your day?" He picks me up and twirls me around.

"It was great! I'm six now! Everybody was super nice and they sang to me and Rui shared his cookie with me but don't tell anyone!"

Papa laughs. "That's great, Oda! Hey, your Daddy won't be getting home for a few more hours, wanna go get milkshakes?"


Papa and I walk towards the car, and I buckle myself in because I'm six so I'm old enough for that now.

Papa buys me a milkshake and we go to sit on our favorite bench in the park and watch the ducks eat bread crumbs people are throwing to them.

"Papa, did you know that it's actually bad to feed ducks bread crumbs? Rui told me that." I ask Papa. I sip my milkshake. I got chocolate, the best flavor.

"Huh, I didn't know that. Good to know." Papa pats me on the head.

I sit and try to glare at the people feeding the ducks, but their backs are to me so they can't see my glares. I would get up and tell them to stop but then I'd have to stop drinking my milkshake, and it's my birthday so somebody else can tell them I guess.

"Oda, do you know why your Daddy and I named you Odasaku?" Papa asks. He has his sad face on which he gets sometimes but Daddy usually makes him feel better.

"No, why?" I ask. Papa doesn't usually say that much when he has his sad face on, so it's probably important.

"I had a very close friend named Odasaku back when I was younger." He stares at the ducks. "He was probably the coolest person I ever knew other than your Daddy. He showed me how to be a good person and I'm always gonna be grateful for that. He saved me, in a way. Just like your Daddy did."

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