Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and quickly shut it off . A small groan escaped my lips as I stretched and went to go get ready for the day. Once I was ready to leave I grabbed my essentials and left my apartment and made my way to work. As usual I passed by Grillbys and I thought about the conversation we had last night. A smile found itself on my face as I thought about how I could get to see him after work. I was also craving the fries he had served us. I have no idea how he managed to make such delicious food but I really didn't care because of how fucking good it was.

Soon I arived at work and was greeted by Kattie as I was everyday.

"Hey (Y/N) how did you sleep last night?" she asked she saw me walking towards her. "Oh hey Kattie, I actually was able to have at least 6 hours of sleep." I told her while smiling a bit. "Wow I rarely ever see you smile. Did something else good happen to you yesterday?" she asked me while looking at me suspiciously. "Well, I'm going to go back to Grillby's after work today and I guess I'm exited to get to see him today." I responded with a small laugh as we both made our way to the back to go pretend like we were busy doing something.

The day went by surprisingly quickly and before I knew it our shift was over.

"Hey Kattie do you want to go over to Grillby's with me today?" I asked her while we were getting out of our work clothes. "Sorry (Y/N) I would love to but I have to go run some errands today!" she responded while apologizing. "It's okay I'm fine just going by myself. Besides It shouldn't be to busy at this time of day." I replied before saying goodbye to Kattie as she left to go run whatever errands she had to go do. I started making my way towards Grillby's with a bit of excitement yet also nervousness.

Soon I found my self in front of the bar and took a deep breath before walking in. I was greeted with the delicious smell of food and Grillby smiling at me. I walked up to the bar and sat in the exact same place I had sat in last night before talking to Grillby. "Hey Grillby. Thanks for letting me be able to relax here for a while." I said nervously while lightly blushing. Thankfully he wasn't able to see me blushing and started talking to me. "I really don't mind you being here. Besides, it's nice to have a new face around here." he told me before he reached under the counter and served me some fries. I looked at him in surprise and thanked him before I started to eat some of the fries.

"(Y/N) if I may ask, what do you do for a living?" Grillby asked me as i was just finishing up the food he had given me. "I work at the local Wallmart a few minutes away. To be honest I hate working there, but unfortunately it pays the bills and for food so I don't really have an option at this point." said while slightly frowning. "If you hate working there so much why don't you try to find a different line of work?" he asked curiously while setting down the glass he was polishing. I thought about his question for a few seconds before I was able to respond "...Well I guess its because Kattie also works there and I've known her for years." I said with a slight laugh at the end before continuing "Also I've tried to find a different job but I was either never called back after the interview or I was let go for a really stupid reason.".

I kept my eyes on the counter and didn't look up to see his expression knowing he would probably judge me for that fact I could rarely keep a job for over 2 weeks. "...You know (Y/N) if you really hate your job at Wallmart that much I wouldn't mind you working here. It would be good to have an extra pair of hands to help around, especially during the weekends." he stated while he leaned onto the counter and rested his head on his hand. I looked at with both surprise and confusion before speaking again, "Are...are you offering me a job here?" I asked him still sightly confused. He let out a small laugh before he started telling me about what he would need help with and how much I would get payed. He mostly need help with washing dishes because he was a fire monster and it would be a lot easier if once person could separately serve food. I was extremely grateful for him offering me a job and he said that I could start once I was able to leave my old job and have time to work at Grillb'y instead.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now