Chapter 14

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(Y/N)'s POV

The crowd seemed to immediately go silent as Grillby walked toward me and the wolf monster. A few people even looked somewhat afraid of him. I suppose it made sense, he was a fire monster after all. Plus he rarely ever even showed any emotions so seeing him mad was definitely not a good thing.

Once Grillby made his thought the crowns of people surrounding us the air seemed to get even more tense. What made everyone so on edge was the fact the he had a surprisingly calm expression. Though you could just tell that he was not in a good mood.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to either stop fighting with the staff or leave the premises." Grillby told the customer in a tone that seems to contain both anger and annoyance.

"Grillby when did you decide to start hiring humans to I work here?!"

"Why does it madder if I decide to have a human work here?"

"People like them are the reason we were trapped underground for years!"

"Just because humans in the past acted the way they did doesn't mean that they'll act that way now. They aren't the same as they were all those years ago!"

"When the hell did you become so defensive about anyone? Before you would act as if you didn't even have any emotions! Now your willing to start a fight over a measly human!"

"I'm not that one that stared the fight! I'm simply trying to stop you from being able to hurt (Y/N) any more than you already have!"

"Oh (Y/N) this and (Y/N) that, all you ever do is fucking talk about her! Why the fuck are you so obsessed with her?!"


"Answer me dammit!"

"...get out."


"I said GET OUT."

Despite Grillby's attempts to stop the argument, the wolf monster had to be physically thrown out of the bar. The few customers that were left got the message and quickly left. Soon the bar was empty and the only people left were me and Grillby.

"Uh hey (Y/N) can you start closing up the place? I'll be back in a bit, I just need a quick break."

"Uh ya don't worry I'll get right on it." I told him before he went to the back. I assumed he went outside for a bit to cool down from the argument.

I started to clean off all the tables before I ended up cutting myself with a broken piece of glass. I flinched as the glass made contact with my skin before I decided to just ignore it. Besides, I already had a few cuts and bruises on my body from the fight, it's not like I couldn't take another measly cut.

Once I cleaned up all the tables I went onto the back and finished washing a few dishes that were left. Soon the dishes were done and I made sure that everything was were it need to be. I was starting to get concerned by how long Grillby was there n his break for but I decide to just continue cleaning.

I ended up mopping the floor, polishing all the tables, and cleaned the windows. I had just wanted to clean up a bit but I went down a rabbit hole and had cleaned in a surprisingly short time. I thought that I was cleaning for around an hour or two but realized it only took about 45 minutes. I was honestly really impressed by how fast I was able to do all of it and confused at the same time but I was also just glad that the place looked good.

I was honestly surprised that Grillby hadn't come back yet but I decide to give him space. The argument earlier had gotten pretty heated and I didn't want to disturb him at the moment. I sighed before I sat down and waited for Grillby while on my phone.

Thankfully he wasn't dead or anything and came out from the back. "Hi (Y/N), sorry I took so long." Grillby apologized as he walked towards me. "Oh it's no problem." I told him with a small smile. "Oh hey Grillby I'm going to go change into my normal clothes real quick." I said as I got up from my seat and went to go grab my clothes. Once I had my clothes I went to the bathroom and changed. I then quickly put my uniform away and went back to were Grillby was. He had also changed back into regular clothes and was leaning against the counter with a smile on his face.

"(Y/N) how did you manage to make this place look like it's brand new?" He asked with an amazed look on his face. "Ou it's nothing. I just started cleaning and couldn't stop myself." I admired with a bit of blush covering my face. "I haven't seen this place this clean in ages. You did a really good job (Y/N)." He told me with a warm smile on his face.

Grillby made sure that the place was ready to be closed for the day before we both just sat in silence for a bit. Before I was able to say anything Grillby had walked up to me with a box in his hands. It was a medical kit. I looked at him in confusion for a few seconds before I remembered. I still had the cut on my face from the fight earlier.

He didn't say anything but started to take care of my injuries. I could tell he was trying not to be too harsh on my skin and it was honestly really cute that he was trying to be so careful. The only words that were spoken would be the occasional apology from Grillby whenever I would flinch. I wasn't flinching because of pain but I was mostly flinched because of how close he was to my face.

Sure was had cuddled before but his face was probably 2 inches away from my face.
Okay so it was more 6 inches away but it felt like he was practically breathing down my neck.

Another things I noticed that was probably really weird was that he smelled different. I remember from earlier that he smelt like a campfire but he smelt more like smoke. It wasn't an awful smell but he smelt like...cigarettes.

I must have been scaled out for a bit before Grillby finished taking care of my injury. He got up and went to go put the medical kit away.

It fell silent for a bit, it felt too quiet. It was the same quiet that happened when I want with Grillby. I didn't like it, it just didn't feel right. I lived my and up to my cheek were he had put a bandage to stop the mark from bleeding. I don't know if it was real or not but I could have sworn I felt the warmer of his hand on my face. It felt really nice.

Yet, I would probably be nothing more that a work friend to him. He would never think of me as anything more than a coworker. Eventually he'll forget about me and I'll die alone won't I? He'll probably be able to find a partner in life and I'll be left to rot.

"(Y/N) why are you crying?"

I quickly looked up to Grillby who had a worried expression on his face. Wait...I was crying? I put my hand up to my eyes and quickly wiped away the tears that had managed to escape my eyes.

"Sorry Grillby, don't worry about me I'm fine." I said with a fake smile on my face. Unfortunately he was able to see through my lie quite easily.

"(Y/N) please tell me what's wrong. Was it something I did?"

"What no! It's doesn't have anything with you doing something wrong."

" Then what is so bad that it's managed to make you cry?"


Just tell him already! If he doesn't like you back then it's not that big of a deal!

But what if it makes things awkward between the both of us?

Then so be it, eventually things will go back to normal so just tell him how you feel!

I...I can't.

Why the fuck not?!

I'm...I'm scared to tell him okay!

Just do it already dammit! Fucking tell him that you like him! Tell him that you have feeling for him and that you want to date him!


Just fucking do it!

"It''s nothing Grillby, you don't have to worry about me."

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now