Chapter 20

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Excuse me?"

"Oh come on darling it's the talk of the town right now!"

"Why would everyone be talking about my love life?"

"Because Grillby here has never hired anyone ever! So why would he suddenly hire someone if it wasn't for romantic interest?"

"Uh Mettaton I hate to burst your bubble but me and Grillby aren't a couple."

"Oh (Y/N) your a good liar but I have a secret weapon, proof!" He loudly announced before pulling out his phone. He then proceeded to show me multiple pictures of me and Grillby together. Most of them were just mr and Grillby out in public so it was weird but not exactly suspicious.

Thought the last few pictures really disturbed me. They were easily taken a few hours ago, there was me and Grillby at the bakery. The thing that really creeped me out was that one of the pictures was actually form last night. It was the both of us outside of our apartment building.

So at least we weren't just being paranoid, though it confirms that someone was stalking us.

"Uh hey Grillby do you mind seeing this real quick?" I asked him in a slightly concerned voice.

He then quickly made his way towards me with a slightly confused look. I pointed at Mettaton's phone and he quickly understood why I was concerned.

"Mettaton who took these photos?" He asked.

"Oh all of these were taken by a fan of mine! They sent them to me not too long ago so I could finally confront you two love birds! And with proof you too have to tell us the truth about this secret relationship you too have! Why do you ask?"

"Can you tell us exactly who gave you these pictures? Do you know their name at least?"

"Well I believe their name I honestly can't remember, there's just too many admirers to remember all of their names!" He nonchalantly told us.

I immediately tensed at the mention of his name. Though it did finally made sense now.

Damian had been stalking us.

"So (Y/N) now you just have to admit to being in a romantic relationship with Grillby's don't you?" Mettaton said as multiple cameras focused their attention on me.

I simply stood their in silence before speaking again.

"Mettaton for the last time me and Grillby are nothing more than friends okay? We just happen to get along really well so Grillby decided to hire me. It was all just a coincidence okay? So for the last time please stop trying to convince people that we're a couple okay?!" I told him.

Mettaton seemed to just stare at me for a bit before sighing.

"Okay then darling but if you two end up in a relationship then I totally called it. I'll go find something else to over exaggerate about." He said as the camera crew started to make their way out of the bar. Most of the customers that were still there followed. In my opinion they were probably chasing after Mettaton to get at least a second on camera.

Soon the bar wasn't empty but there was only a handful of people left. No words were spoken between me and Grillby but both of us were a bit on edge. The thought of us being watched by Damian caused us to not say a word.

Eventually more customers started to come in again which at least have us something to do. Sans also showed up and I chatted with him a bit. Thankfully nothing that bad happened and I was even able to read a bit before business slowly started to come in.

The entire time I was a bit on edge but tried my best to ignore the feeling of dread. As the day continued to go on rather smoothly something seemed to make me even more tense. I was just waiting for something bad to happen.

The bad got more busy as the hours passed by and soon it was filled with people. I kept an eye out for the wolf monster from yesterday in hopes that he wouldn't show up. From what I could tell Grillby was also trying to make sure that he wouldn't arrive. Thankfully all the customers were pleasant to be around f and none of them tried to start a fight with me. I'm pretty sure that a lot of them just felt pity for me so they tried to be extra nice and didn't ask about the bandage on my face. At least that means I don't have to deal with rude customers.

Though unfortunately there was a few random drunk guys trying to hit on me. A few asked me for my number and some tried to buy me a drink. I had to politely decline but thankfully that made them just stop talking to me. There was one person that stood out from the rest though, but not in a good way. He had tried to touch me a few times but thankfully Grillby stepped in before something bad was able to happen. After a bit of arguing the guy had to be dragged out of the bar by one of his friends that was with him. His friend apologized multiple times and ended up giving up some extra cash me has because of how guilty he felt. Me and Grillby forgave him in the end so at least that didn't end badly.

Grillby ended up closing up the place at around midnight since he could tell I was starting to get a bit tired. We were able to get the rest of the people in the bar out with ease and soon the place was empty. I made sure to clean all the tables and collected random items that were left behind. There was always a few ransoms things that people left behind and it was fun to guess what I would be able to find. I found a phone charger, a pair of tacky sunglasses, and a bit of loose change.

I love that I was able to just keep the money. It's not like anyone was going to notice the few dollars that they lost.

After I finished making sure the bar would be ready for the next day I changed out of my uniform. Once Grillby and me were ready he made sure to lock up the place for the night and we both made our way back to the apartment building.

The entire walk was silent and the feeling of dread filled my body again. I wanted to say something but I knew Damian was watching us.

I could see him from the corner of my eye and he had a tight grip on a knife in his right hand.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now