Chapter 21

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(Y/N)'s POV

Damian's pace eventually got faster into a sort of a jog. Grillby and I picked up the pace ourselves in an attempt to get away from him.

No luck.

Eventually we were just full on running. If we slowed down then Damian would catch us.

He world hurt me.

He would hurt Grillby.

That sentence alone made me sick to my stomach. Everything hurt, sure I was never the best at running in the first place but this was worse. I need to just ignore the pain. I can't let him catch us.

We both continued running until we made it to our apartment building. We quickly went inside and for some reason Damian didn't follow. He just stayed standing there in front of the entrance.

We both didn't even take the elevator we just ran up the stairs. Soon we were in front of my apartment and I got our my keys. Before I opened it the door something managed to catch my attention. There was a small box sitting in front of the door. It looked like the kind of box you gift or receive jewelry in. I looked over to Grillby wondering if I should take it.

He shrugged.

I looked back at it and just couldn't take my eyes off if it. Something about it just drew me in. I couldn't tell if it was for a good or bad reason though. But you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.

I picked up the box before opening the door to my apartment. Midnight was sitting in front of my as if she was waiting for me. I quickly scooped her into my arms before locking my door again. I the turned back to Grillby before we both continued running.

We were able to made it to his apartment without it anyone in our way. Even though Damian should have been outside of the building I still had the feeling of being watched. It terrified me, I could barely even think straight at this point.

Once we made it to Grillby's apartment we both quickly made our way inside. Once he locked the door behind us we made sure to close all the doors and windows. The feeling of dread didn't completely go away but it eased a bit.

I was hyperventilating, I was scared. Grillby was too. He didn't show much emotion but I could t just tell.

I took in a deep breath to cal myself down and set Midnight down on the couch. I the decided to open the box I was still holding. It didn't have anything on it yet I knew it was for me.

I grabbed the lid with shaking hands and opened up the box. Inside was a simple piece of jewelry with a (Favorite Color) gem as the center piece.

It was the same necklace that she had given me.

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This can't be possible! It shouldn't be! I remember placing it next to a picture of her and a jar of her dust! Why is it here?! I'm not suppose to have it! No one is!

So why? Why do I have to be reminded about her so much?!

I felt tears falling down my face as I cried. It's not like I still don't love her but I don't want to be forced to remember everything. Who the hell even got it and why would they send it to me? How did they even get it? I just...I don't understand. I want to but I can't.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora