Chapter 18

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was around 30 minutes after the whole me kicking the jukebox incident. Me and Grillby sat in a sort of solves besides light music playing in the background. It was still pretty early and there wasn't any customers yet so we both didn't have anything to do.

"Hey Grillby,do you ever do anything while waiting for business to come in?" I asked him.

"Not really. Though there's a local library that I sometimes go to if I'm really bored."

"Wait there's a library nearby?"

"Yup. It's not a massive building but I've been able to find some really good books there sometimes."

"Can we go?"

"I don't see why not."

My face then lit up in excitement as I then wen to go change into my regular clothes again. I quickly changed and once I got back Grillby had also changed. We then both made our way towards the library.

The walk was suppose to around 5 minutes but it ended up being 15. There was a lot of traffic and a lot of random people that would just stop waking really suddenly. I hate people who do that.

It was nice to at least take a walk with Grillby but I felt really bad for him. The entire time there was people glaring at him or judging him. A few people even looked scared just to be around him. I suppose it made sense though, he was taller than the average human and was made of fire magic. The most surprising part was that he actually seemed to be complexly fine with all the judgment. He didn't even pay attention to someone who threw an insult at him. He just continued to walk and acted like everything was completely normal. From what i could tell he was completely use to it. It was just something that was part of his daily life.

Thankfully we soon managed to make it to the library and quickly entered it. The place was decently spacious and had a very comforting feel to it. Also the people that were already there were to distracted by the book they were reading or were to sleep deprived to properly function.

Me and Grillby were able to browse through books together while trying to find a good book. He seemed to be drawn to the few cooking books that had and it was really cute to see him so interested in something.

"Hey (Y/N) do you have a preferred book genera?"

"Uh not really. I usually just read whatever manages to catch my eye."

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Not really. I always forget the title of books so I mostly remember them by the plot more than anything." I sheepishly admitted.

"How about this, On My Honor, does it ring any bells?"

"It sound familiar, give me a second...oh ya I remember reading that!" I excitedly said while grabbing the book from him.

"Was it a good book?"

"The book had a pretty realistic view for once so I think that made it pretty good. We had to do a school project on it once we're we had to alter a certain chapter into the ending. I came up with a really good idea and I remember being really proud of it. Unfortunately we had to read our essay in front of the class and I ended up crying. The teacher tried to encourage me to read it but that just made me cry even more. Though I did get a decent grade in the assignment so I'm not that mad about it anymore. Okay but do you know what the worst part about it was?"

"What was the worst part about it?"

"Like a week later we had to present something else in her class. She the decided that it would be great idea for me to present knowing that last time I started crying. Ya cause that would be a fabulous idea." I said sarcastically.

"She must have been a really bad teacher. Did you end up still having to present though?"

"Thankfully after her two failed attempts she just decided to let me only present in front of her and not the entire class. But in the end the book was pretty good. 9/10 would probably read again. Unfortunately it's a shorter book since I ended up being able to finish it in only two classes. Then I had to sit through the teacher reading the book painfully slow with terrible voice acting for like 3 weeks!"

"Wow it's a shame that you have such bad memories about a book that you actually enjoyed."

"Ya it is honestly kinda sad. I mostly just really didn't like my teacher more than anything. Anyway, I'll reread the book. It's not like I have anything better to do while waiting for business to start in the morning." I said before continuing to look around.

We both ended up looking for 30 more minutes before me decide to leave after checking out our books. Grillby had managed to find a murder mystery book that he seemed to exited to read.

We both started to walk back to the bar but unfortunately there was still a lot of traffic and somehow even more annoying people. We were both waiting in a small crowd at a stoplight when I noticed something from the corner of my eye. It was a small bakery that I remember seeing earlier on our way to the library. I was tempted to ask Grillby to go in but I didn't want to bother them anymore that I already had. It was already around 10 so I was getting a bit gingery and I would kind stopping to get a quick treat.

Before I was able to say anything the crowd around us started to move signaling the street was okay to cross. I took my attention away from the bakery and instead onto trying to not be trampled to death. I got shoved a few times but it was something you eventually got use to.

Thankfully Grillby noticed my struggling and managed to grab me and dragged me to a less busy area. Once we were away from the crowd I was able to partially breath again.

"You okay (Y/N)?"

"Uh ya just give me a second" I said out of breath.

After a few seconds I was fine again and looked around to where we actually were. We were only a few blocks away fro
The bar but I never remember being to this specific part of the city. There was only a few people waking here and there so it was pretty quiet. Though the main thing I was able to notice was that the bakery was across the street.

"Do you want to go in?"

I liked at Grillby in confusion for a few seconds before I realized he was taking about the bakery.

"Uh no it's fine." I quickly told him.

"Are you sure? You still haven't eaten anything today."

"It's fine, besides, we should get back to the bar in case customers start to come."

"(Y/N) you don't have to worry about work right now. So do you want to go in, it's fine if you do. We dint have to get back to work immediately."

"...Uh well...ya...I kinda want to go in and get something to eat..."

"Alright let's go." He said before we both started to walk towards the bakery.

We then soon entered the bakery to be greeted by...cats?!

Grillby looked at them in confusion before I put you book in his hands and picked up the closest cat to me. About 2 seconds latter all the other cats were trying to get on me and most where successful.

"Oh hi and welcome you okay?"

I looked up and saw a girl in a purple and black uniform. She seemed to be maybe a year or 2 younger than me and had short brown hair.

"Oh I'm fine." I told her as one of the cats then managed to get in my head and covered my eyes.

"Are you sure? Cause you have multiple cats on you right now."

"Yup I'm fine." I said as I carefully sat into the floor and the last cat was able to rub against me.

"Hey Katherine we're did all the'am are you okay?"

"Yup." I told the other woman I wasn't able to see since my eyes were covered by the small cats paws. The woman then sighed before speaking again.

"Welcome to the Moonlight Bakery, can I get you anything?"

"Can I take all of these cats home?"


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