Chapter 19

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(Y/N)'s POV


"Sorry but no."

"But whyyyyyyyyy"

"Technically you can take them since their stray cats but it's the bakery's main attraction."

"Okay..." I said sadly as I set down the cat I was holding.

"Anyway, I'm Caroline and this is Katherine." Caroline told me. She had long black hair and thin frame glasses.

The two girls looked to be the same age of 20. I don't know why but they timed me of Kattie and myself. They were the complete opposite in appearance yet they're clearly very good friends.

"So what brings you here?" Katherine asked me in an excited voice.

"Oh we're just looking for a place to have a quick treat." I told her.

"Great! It's always nice to have new faces around here!" She told me before me and Grillby ordered.

He ordered a slice of Pumpkin Spice cake and I ordered a slice of (Favorite cake). She then gave us what we orders and we were able to enjoy our food at a table by the window.

Once we both sat down I was able to get a better look at the places interior. The walls were a dark blue with constellations painter on. There was a few tables for people to sit at but me and Grillby were the only customers at the moment. The tables and chairs were painted a nice purple that matched the walls very well. There was also a few cat towers scattered throughout the place and a small box of cat toys in the corner. The entire place had a really nice and relaxing atmosphere to it which made the place perfect.

Me and Grillby were left alone in mostly silence which was surprisingly awkward. I don't know why but the entire room felt really tense. Grillby even seemed a bit nervous and I could tell by the way he was messing with his sleeves. Was it weird that I noticed such small details? It probably just made me look like a creep that noticed way too much about their crush. I don't know why but something seemed a bit off. But it wasn't in a bad way it more if just I'm not realizing something.

Wait...does this count as a date?!

I mean it could count as a date or it could just be two friends going to a bakery together right? It's just a totally normal day and I'm having a perfectly normal time with sometime who I'm just friends with.

Despite my efforts to calm myself down and trying to think of something to talk about we both just stayed in silence the entire time. Thankfully after a while one of the cats tried to steal my food which managed to spark up a conversation between me and Grillby. Even after we were both done eating we continued to talk for a whole which felt nice to not be in awkward silence.

Eventually we both decided we needed to get back to work so we payed before leaving. We then were able to make it back to the bar without getting trampled on. Once we got back Grillby opened the place back up and soon customers started to come in. It was noon so it was pretty busy but since there was two of us it wasn't that difficult to manage. The cycle of me taking orders, giving them to Grillby, and serving food went on for a while until everything died down a bit. There was still a lot of customers but it was mostly just people hanging out and talking rather than ordering.

The place was filled with joyful laughter and people just there to enjoy themselves. It was one of the best parts about working at Grillby's, humans were able to get along and usually never fought.

Since there wasn't much to do I decided to go chill in the back for a few minutes. "Hey Grillby I'm going to take a quick break." I told him as I walked past him. He nodded at my statement and went back to polishing the glass he was holding.

I entered the back and leaned against the counter before taking out my phone. I scrolled through multiple social media apps before seeing I had a text from Kattie. I check the marriage only to realize it was at least 30 different pictures of Nugget in a variety of outfits. I laughed a bit before I started scrolling through all of them.

Kattie must have had free time on her hands and had an entire with Nugget and he seemed to love it. He looked so proper in all of the photos and was surprisingly photogenic.

Once I was done admiring Kattie's home made fashion show I check the time. My break had lasted about 10 minutes so I decided to get back to actually doing work. I put my phone back in my pocket before leaving the back.

I was immediately greeted by a camera crew and Mettaton in the middle of it all. The entire place was filled with cameras and people who you could just tell hated working for Mettaton. The man himself was sitting at one of the booths and was taking about something I knew I probably wouldn't care about.

It's not that I didn't like the guy, I just never found the biggest interest in him. Since he was the only start the monsters had while in the underground they all really looked up to him. I'm mostly just surprised how many humans ended up falling for him once he reached the surface. He seemed to actually enjoy what her did though so I can't judge him that much. It's not like he even treated his staff that poorly. Everyone that works for him gets a good salary and has days off. Though most people who worked for him just wanted the money. Even so, I don't think I'll ever understand why so many people base their lives off of his very existence.

A lot of people don't even know about his creator who never even got any credit. Her name was Alphys I believe and she was the royal scientist back in the underground. Despite making Mettaton she never got any recognition and a lot of people didn't even know she existed. I honestly felt bad that she was ever noticed. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts before waking up to Grillby.

"Hey Grillby what is Mettaton doing here?" I asked him.

"Oh (Y/N) he wanted to-" Grillby tried to explain but was quickly cut off.

"Do my eyes deceive me it is that the famous (Y/N) I've been hearing so much about?" Mettaton said in an over exaggerating voice. He quickly got up from his seat and ran up to me.

"Oh darling it's such a pleasure to finally meet you! Anyway there's a question that I've been dying to ask you!"

"Uh sure, what do you want to ask me?"

"Is it true that you and Grillby are dating?!"

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now