Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s POV

I stared at Grillby for a few seconds still trying to understand what he said. His flames turned the same shade of red that he had turned when Sans was teasing him a few days ago. He thankfully didn't catch me staring at him since he was looking away while being embarrassed.

Did he really mean it? Did he actually enjoy spending time with me that much? He was offered ten thousand dollars that would have really helped with his restaurant, yet he declined the offer.

I don't understand.

Sure I was flattered that he wanted to be able to see me and get me out of my old job ,but I didn't realize how much he was willing to give up just to let me work here. My face turned a shade of red similar to Grillby before my mouth spoke before my mind told it to. "Thanks you Grillby, for everything. It mean a lot to me." I said in a soft tone while the blush on my face deepened. He stayed silent for a few seconds and the only sound was the slightly sound of his flames crackled and the dog monsters having a conversation about what's the best brand of dog treats.

After a few seconds of the uncomfortable silence he simply nodded before me and him both made our way to were Kattie was. Once she saw us leave the back she gave me a slight smirk, probably because of the blush that was on my face. Knowing Kattie she probably thought that we both were making out and that's why Grillby want to talk to me privately.

Once I it back to my seat there was a few seconds of silence between the three of us before Kattie started talking about how much she liked dogs. It was like a skill she had, not taking about dogs but more of how she was always able to break silence and didn't sound annoying about it. If anything it was really comforting that she was able to the awkwardness in the conversation go away and acted like it was never there.

After a bit longer of talking and a few more fries, me and Kattie decide that we should get going. "Hey Grillby I have a quick question. Do you happen to do delivery by any chance?" I asked Grillby while getting up from my seat. "No unfortunately we don't. Since no one else works here I don't have anyone to deliver orders." He responded to me while adjusting his glasses. "That's to bad. Hi bet you would get a lot more business if you did. Or at least if you could call in advance for pickup if you don't have enough time on your hands." I suggested to him. "True, though unfortunately I don't have a phone number for the restaurant so if people want to order in advance they have to order in person." He told me with a sigh as he leaned against the counter. "Though...if you ever want some food from here I could give you my personal number so you could call me to bring you some since we live in the same apartment building." He offered me while looking slightly embarrassed.

After he gave me his phone number me and Kattie decided to finally leave and go back to her apartment for the night so we could binge watch more movies.

It felt really nice knowing that Grillby trusted me enough to give me his personal phone number. I knew it was probably because I was going to be working with him soon but it still felt nice. I didn't realize I was blushing a bit while thinking about Grillby until Kattie said something about it.

"Hey are you okay? Your face is really red, oh stars are you sick again? Do you want us to take a ride back to my place?"

"I-uh, no I'm fine I guess I just got a bit over heated." I responded nervously as my blush seemed to deepen once I realized I was blushing just think about Grillby. The worry on Kattie's face soon turned into a smirk before she started teasing me again for think about Grillby again. The rest of the walk back to her apartment was just here asking if I made out with Grillby and making fun of me for blushing.

~Time Skip~

Once we managed to make it back to her apartment we were greeted by Nugget who was patiently waiting for us. "Hi Nugget sorry we were gone!" Kattie apologized to Nugget as she went to go hug him. Nugget didn't really move he just sat there like a statue with his tail wagging. He was clearly a really good dog and I could see why Kattie couldn't say no to him. She was always an animal lover and she had a few different pets growing up. I don't remember all their names but she had quite a few dogs and I think at one point she had a pet cat but I think it ran away because it got scared from how many dogs she had. I remember how sad she was because she wanted to know what it would be like to have a cat but she soon got over it. She was 100% a dog person and she always told me I was a cat person, though it's not like it isn't accurate.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now