Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s POV

Me and Grillby were currently walking around a pet shop that was thankfully not very busy. We seemed to be the only people the besides the workers that you could tell were sleep deprived. The sound of really bad pop music could faintly be heard through the speakers around the store. Grillby was walking besides me with a blank look on his face. He hadn't said much since we started shopping and it worried me. Was he mad at me or something? Did I do something that made him feel uncomfortable? I must have been spaced out for a while before Grillby finally started talking again.

"...(Y/N) are you okay? You look really out of it right now."

"Oh sorry, ya don't worry I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You haven't said much since we got here."

"Well, you haven't said much either so I didn't know if I should have said something or not."

"Oh sorry about that, I'm just still a bit tired. I'm not really a morning person."

"Ya don't worry, I can definitely relate to that." I told him with a small chuckle as we continued walking around the store. After a while of talking about random things while seeing trying a that I thought the cat would like we went to go pay.

The person at the register asked the regular questions such as "How are you today? Did you find everything okay?". I knew that they didn't really care about how I was doing, they just had to ask since it was part of their job. "I'm doing good." Was all I said as I paid for my items while Grillby stood next to me. He currently had the cat in his arms again since the cat just refused to walk after a while.

We quickly left the store with two bags full of random cats toys and other essentials. Me and Grillby started making our way back towards our apartment building in silence. The walk wasn't very long and before we knew it we were there. Once we stepped inside we were greeted by Madison before we made our way to the elevator. The faint sound of elevator music was heard in the background as I tried to keep my eyes focused on the ground. I could feel Grillby staring at me and I don't want to make the situation anymore awkward. After a few seconds of being in the elevator we made it to my floor and I stepped out and looked back at Grillby. He tried to put the cat back onto the ground but the cat kinda just jumped back into his arms. He let out a small sigh before he stepped out of the elevator. The elevator doors quickly closed behind him before he spoke in a slightly embarrassed tone.

"...Sorry I don't know how to get the cat off of me. Is it okay if I walk you to your room?"

"Ya don't worry it's fine. Follow me." I told him as I walked towards my room. Once I got to my fort I put one of the bags down and grabbed my keys. I inserted them into the keyhole before turning them and unlocking my apartment door. I opened the door for Grillby to step inside before I set my bags down onto the kitchen counter.

He sheepishly walked in and again tied to get the cat onto the floor and unfortunately failed again. The cat seems to get even more settled into Grillby's arms than it was before. Me and Grillby just started at each other for a few seconds before to let out a small laugh and walked up to him. I tried to tke the cat from his arms and actually succeeded. The cat seems to be irritated by this but all it did was try to get back into Grillby's arms by lazily trying to keep one of its paws on Grillby. I took a step back from Grillby so the cats paw was out of reach from him without putting to much distance between me and Grillby. The cat reacted to this not by moving but trying to annoy us by meowing ever 2 seconds.

"I guess that the cat really likes you Grillby." I told him while slightly teasing him with a small smile on my face. He got embarrassed by this and his flames turned red again. After a while of talking about something that I wasn't really paying attention. It's not that I didn't care about what he had to say it's just I couldn't stay focused because of how attractive he looked right now. I don't know why but whenever I got to see him in an outfit that wasn't for work it just made him look so fucking hot. Also I don't mean that as a pun, he just looks really good in anything if I'm being honest.

I felt my face heat up a bit while talking to Grillby and hoped that he couldn't tell. The universe must hate me because Grillby could tell I was blushing.

"Hey (Y/N), your face is really red, are you okay?"

"Ya don't worry about me I'm fine. Just got a bit overheated I guess." I quickly told him while nervously laughing. He just stared at me for a while before going back to whatever he was originally talking about. After a few minutes I excused myself to go to the bathroom and went to go see how badly I was blushing.

I stepped into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was covered with a light blush that looked just bold enough to notice. I let out a sigh before I went to go splash some water on my face. I don't think it really helped since I was still blushing and I knew it was because Grillby was here. I looked at myself in the mirror again and noticed that I had washed off some of my makeup. It wasn't very heavy, it was just some foundation to cover up my eye bags. I quickly applied some and made sure that you couldn't tell I was wearing makeup in the first place. After a few moments of making sure that I liked what I saw in the mirror I took in a deep breath before I stepped out of the bathroom and into the living room.

I saw Grillby was sitting on the couch with one of his hands on the arm rest. His other hand was on the black cat currently on his lap. It seems to be either asleep or at least half asleep. Grillby seemed to not realize I had come back from the bathroom and I decided to not say anything. I walked over to the other end of the couch and cast on the arm rest so he couldn't tell I was here still. Once I sat on the edge of the couch I then layer down in the couch with my legs still hanging off the edge.

Grillby immediately noticed that I was right next to him and he flinched pretty hard. His movement seems to wake up the cat from its very enjoyable nap. The cat stretched before it got out of Grillby's lap and headed towards me. It sat on my chest and just stared at me for a few seconds before just putting one of its paws on my face. I was about to try and get the cat off of me before I heard a small laugh. It was Grillby's laugh, and it was honestly really cute.

He seems to be trying to not laugh at the scene in front of him but unfortunately failed. I don't know why but I also started laughing at myself along with Grillby. We ended up laughing for easily a good 5 minutes before we were both able to stop. It took us a bit to catch our breath but afterwords I realized something, both me and Grillby were blushing.

Dose Grillby like me back?
I highly doubt it
Even so, it's still nice to imagine.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now