Chapter 10

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(Y/N)'s POV

Grillby had decided to not open up his bar for the day and instead wanted to spend the day with me. I was honestly really flattered by the offer and had tried to reason with him but had failed. So currently me and Grillby were sitting on my couch watching a movie. I think it had something to do with people wanting money or something but I really didn't care. The cat from before was sitting on the top of the couch and was trying not to fall off.

"...hey (Y/N), can I ask you something?"


"Did you ever name the cat?" He asked while turning his attention on the feline trying to not fall off the couch. "Maybe the should name them Midnight?" I suggested to Grillby. "Ya that's not a bad name, they are a black cat after all." He told me before me he drew his attention back to the movie. Midnight seemed to like their new name happily meowed. I let out a small laugh before I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw that I had the ingredients to make (F/F).

I smiled before grabbing the info out of the fridge and putting them into the counter. Grillby seemed to take notice of the ingredients and got up from the couch. "What are you making (Y/N)?" He asked while leaning against the counter. "I'm feeling hungry so I'm going to make some (F/F). Do you want any?" I asked Grillby while closing the fridge door. "Sure, do you want me to help?" He offered and I gladly accepted his offer.

Grillby helped me make the good and once we were down so decided to eat on the couch. I set down my food on the coffee table in front of the couch and went to go feed Midnight. I put the cat food in a small bowl before I put it on the floor next to me and Grillby. All three of us ate in comfortably silence and it was honestly really nice.

Once we were all done eating I grabbed all of the dishes and went to go wash them. After that I sat back down on the couch next to Grillby with Midnight in between us. Me and Grillby were currently sharing a blanket since I didn't have anymore. It felt really nice and warm next to Grillby but not to the point were I felt like I was overheated. At one point I had gotten a bit tired and rested my head on Grillby's shoulder. He seemed to tense up from the sudden action but quickly relaxed. It felt so good for it to just be me and Grillby cuddling on the couch. The silence felt so comfortable and if I'm being honest, I just wanted the moment to last forever.

That was soon interrupted when I heard a knock on my door. I let out an annoyed sigh and went to go see who ruined my perfect moment with Grillby. I opened the door and saw a package on the floor with a small start sticker on it. I grabbed the package and brought it back into the room. I closed the door behind me and went to go out the package onto the kitchen counter. Grillby seemed confused on why I got a package and walked up to me. He didn't say anything but was clearly somewhat curious.

"Kattie does this sometimes and sends me random things she find in the internet she thinks I'll like." I explained to Grillby as I grabbed a box cutter. I placed it against the box carefully to avoid damaging whatever was inside before I opened the box. The was a hand written note that I assumed was sent by Kattie but don't look like her handwriting.

Hi (Y/N)! I saw this online and it looked so cute I just had to but it for you! You'll like it, trust me!

I put the letter down into th counter and reached into the box before pulling out a small handbag. It was colored to look like the bisexual pride flag and actually looked really cute. I put the bag onto the counter next to the letter and emptied the box. Once the box had nothing left in it I placed it in the floor and put Midnight inside it. Midnight seems to like the box and after a few seconds was already asleep. I let out a small laugh before I turned to Grillby who was looking at the handbag. "'s cute." Was all the Grillby said before he went back to the couch.

Did Grillby realize I was Bisexual? Or did he just think it was a random handbag? Should I tell him? I stood there for a few seconds before I grabbed the bad and put it next to the entrance. I also grabbed the box Midnight was in and put it closer to where me and Grillby were. I then made my way back to the couch and sat next to Grillby. Just as I had done earlier, I put my head against his should but this time he didn't tense up. Instead he scooted closer to me and put his head against mine. I felt heat up and I knew I was definitely blushing but I really don't care.

It was just me and Grillby together on my couch. I felt my eyes lids get heavier and I was soon falling in and out of sleep. I guess Grillby could tell how tired I was and put his arm around my body in a comfortable way. "I know your really tired (Y/N), you should get some rest." Grillby told me in his normal monotone voice. I simply responded with a small hum and closed my eyes. All I could hear was the sound of Grillby's flames crackling. It felt so perfect, being with Grillby. I soon found myself driven into a dreamless sleep while in the arms of my crush...

Grillby's POV

(Y/N) had fallen asleep quite easily and she looked really peaceful. It felt really nice to be able to hold her this close to me. I got the same warm feeling in my chest again but I really didn't mind this time. I turned my attention towards Midnight when I heard them get out their box. The quickly stretched and walked towards me and (Y/N). The just stared at me for a few seconds before jumping onto my lap. Thankfully the sudden movement didn't wake up (Y/N).

Once Midnight got comfortable on my lap they fell back asleep. I decided to get some rest and closed my eye before I fell asleep alongside (Y/N).
I've been thinking about confessing my feelings to (Y/N) soon. If anything I'm just waiting for the right moment to confess.
I've really fallen for her haven't I?

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now