Chapter 13

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(Y/N)'s POV

Grillby was standing behind the counter with a smile on his face. He set down the glass he usually polished before looking at me again. "Hi (Y/N), are you okay? You look really out of breath right now." He told me with a slightly concerned tone.

"Uh ya don't worry I'm fine. It's just that I ran all the way over here and almost got hit by a car." I told him nonchalantly as I walked up to the counter.

"You almost got hit by a car?! Are you okay?" He asked with a very concerned look.

"Ya don't worry about it! Besides it was completely my fault. I ran through a stoplight at the last second because I was being stupid and thought that running in the street would be a good idea."

He let out a sigh of relief and his body got a lot less tense. "I'm glad your not hurt, though you do need to be more careful. Why were you trying to get here in such a rush anyway? You only live like 5 minutes away." My face turned red as I realized I gave away the fact I wanted to see him. "I um...I was just really excited to be able to see you I guess." He seems to blush at my statement before he quickly changed the subject.

We both ended up talking for hours and surprisingly there was barely any customers. I don't really mind it though, it just me at I was able to spend more quality time with Grillby.

At one point Sans had arrived exactly at noon and we ended up talking for a while. And when I say we were talking I mean that Sans was just telling horrible jokes every two seconds. Eventually Grillby got quite annoyed by Sans's puns and it was pretty easy to tell. Even so, he don't ask Sans to leave or anything. He just stood there and listened to Sans's terrible puns.

After a while Sans had to leave and then it was just me and Grillby again. We both continued our conversation from earlier and soon customers started to crowd the place. Grillby had to go serve customers which left me by myself for a while. At first it would just be for a few minutes but it turned into him being gone for at least half an hour. I felt really bad that he had to do all the work without any help. Should I offer to help him? We had both talked about me working here so I might as well start.

"Hey Grillby, do you have a minute?" I asked him before he was able to go do something else. "Oh hey (Y/N). Sorry it's been a really busy night but I have a minute to talk." He told me with a slightly apologetic tone. "Don't worry it's fine! I just wanted to know if I could help with anything..." I told him with a red blush spread across my face. "Oh ya I could really use the extra help right now." He took me into the back and gave me a spare uniform he had. I quickly changed into the uniform before Grillby told me how I was able to help out.

I started with washing dishes for a while before I started taking orders form customers. A few of the regulars there were surprised to see that someone besides Grillby was working there but they were honestly really nice. For a good 2 or 3 hours I was just in a cycle of taking orders, giving them to Grillby, serving food, cleaning tables, and washing dishes when I had the time to. It felt exhausting to do so much work but it honestly felt refreshing to do something different for a change.

Once the crowd of customers died down the place felt really peaceful again. Most of the people there were just chatting amongst themselves and of course, there was the classic group of dog monsters that were just there to hangout. Even though I was exhausted I understood why Grillby loves to work here as much as he does. When it wasn't busy and there was only a few people here and there, it felt really nice.

I decided to made my way to the back to go do dishes that I had forgotten about. I walked into the back and saw a small note that was next to the sink.

Hey (Y/N) I'm taking a small break outside but I'll be back in a bit ❤️

I blushed at the small heart that he had put at the end of the bit and quickly put it back in the counter. It was probably just a meaningless doodle and didn't mean anything about my relationship with Grillby. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and decided to just finished doing the rest of the dishes.

Once I put away all the plates and silverware were they need to be I heard the back door opening. I saw Grillby waking inside while putting a small rectangular box inside his pocket. I was curious about what it was but I don't want to get to involved with anything he might not want anyone to know about.

"Hi (Y/N). How are you holding up? It can get pretty busy here." He asked me once we both made eye contact.

"Uh I'm doing good! It's exhausting but it's also really nice to work here!" I told Grillby with a bright smile spread across my face. 

"I'm glad that your enjoying yourself here!" He told me as we both made our way out of the back and into the bar.

A few more hours went by and eventually the bar got crowded again. It was late at night so most people were there to enjoy a few drinks with friends. The place was thriving and it was honestly quite interesting to see all the people who came to drink their sorrows away.

At one point a small fight broke out and cause quite a scene. Unfortunately the fight was between me and a wolf monster that seems to be pretty fucking drunk. The whole argument was about how "humans like you shouldn't be working here. Soon you'll just manipulate us and kill the monster population or trap us underground again!" It was honestly quite annoying.

He kept on rambling about it how I need to stop working here and other shit like that. I tried to calm him down and tried really hard to reason with him hut nothing seemed to work. He seemed to get even more pissed off at me and soon the fight became physical. He managed to land a claw mark on my cheek and a few bruises here and there.

Soon Grillby heard about the fight that was going on and stepped out of the back. It was immediately clear that Grillby was NOT happy about all of this.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now