Chapter 7

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Grillby's POV

The day seemed to be going by quickly. If I'm being honest most of it was a blur of me serving customers and listening to what they had to say. Sans had showed up at noon like he always does and we both talked for a while. I don't even remember much of the conversation but I think it had to do with him starting to run a hotdog stand in the park a few minutes away. It's not like I didn't appreciate the customer I had but I felt like I couldn't even think straight. It might be because I was up until 3am last night texting (Y/N). If that's the case though I really don't mind, it was nice to be able to talk to her. Maybe she'll come by the restaurant today and I'll be able to chat with her.

I don't know why but every time I see her I feel...unusual. It's not in a bad way but more in a...good way? I really don't know how to describe it. It's like I start to feel really warm inside. Since I'm a fire monster it's usually a bad thing if I feel warm or hot but it's more internally, if that makes sense. I don't know if it's a bad thing that I feel this way when I'm around her, though it feels like I'm supposed to feel this way. Should I tell someone about it? Should (Y/N) know about this? Who else should I tell besides her?

I must have been spaced out for a while because I hadn't realized that it was already 3pm. My mood immediately spiked and the strange feeling returned. I had never felt this way around anyone so I don't know why I feel this way and how to even get rid of it. Even so, it's a nice feeling, it makes me want to just spend time with (Y/N). Just the thought of it spending time with her fills me with joy.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of someone coming through the door. My attention was immediately drawn to the customer who I quickly realized was just Sans again.

"The usual?"

"yep, thanks grillby."

I reached under the counter and pulled out a container of ketchup for Sans. As usual he asked me to put it on his tab that I knew he would never pay for. I really don't know why I never asked him to pay his tab, he just came in every day at noon and some days he would make a stop here at a random time. A while ago I got curious about what days we would show up at what time so I started write down when ever we come to the restaurant. I had only information from a about 3 weeks but there was something slightly off. The day and time he came was completely random, there was one exception to this though. Every 2 days he would be here at around 3pm, I really don't know how didn't notice the pattern earlier. I don't know why he comes at 3pm or why he does it every 2 days but I didn't want to seem weird by asking him and then having to explain how I was logging the days and time he would visit every day. The time he would leave would be random but he always was here the second it turned 3pm every 2 days. Was he looking for someone? Or did he just get into the routine and can't break it?

I was brought back into reality when I heard Sans talking to me. I was mostly just nodding every so often to look like I was paying attention. As I had for most of the day, I couldn't seem to focus on what was happening in front of me. After a few minutes of me trying to focus on Sans but failing miserably, my mind was drawn to (Y/N) again. Why was I thinking about her so much today? It's not like I thought anything bad about her but I didn't know why my mind was so interested in her.

Sure she was an interesting person, but I've never been so impatient to see someone. I checked the time again "3:10". Was she going to show up today? Her work is about a 5 minutes walk away from here and she told me her shift end at 3pm. Why was she late? She told me she hates her job so much that she leaves the second her shift finishes. Did someone hurt her? Was she feeling unwell like she had the other day? Did she decide she hates me and never want to see me again?

My mind running at 100 miles per hour and I guess Sans was able to tell how stressed I was.

"hey grillby, are you okay? you don't look to hot right now."

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now