You Meet His Mom For the First time (imagine)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It was about 10:00 am as i was getting ready to meet my boyfriend, Matt, his mom. I was very excited because I know how close Matt and his mom are, and it's very important to me. I've heard so many good things about her and she seems like the sweetest women ever. 

Matt's P.O.V

I was so excited for today, my girlfriend, (Y/N), was coming over to finally meet my mom, she would be meeting my dad too, but he was away on a business trip. I couldn't sit still from how excited I was, I helped my mom clean the house so that it was perfect for (Y/N). I couldn't wait, she was coming over at 11:30 and it was only 10:00, I still had an hour and a half to kill. 

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Finally 11:20 rolled around and i got in my car to drive to Matt's house. I arrived a few minutes later and flipped down my visor mirror. 

"You got this, (Y/N) she'll love you, you can do this," I spoke to myself.

I took a deep inhale and got out of my car and walked up to the front door. Before I could even knock the door swung open, revealing my handsome boyfriend, Matt. He engulfed me in a hug and i hugged him back. 

"I'm so glad you're here! My mom is in the kitchen come on," There was a certain gleam in his eyes, where you could just see his excitement.

He dragged me through the door and to the kitchen where his mom was standing back to the entry way. Matt cleared his throat really loud, causing me to laugh and for her to turn around. She made eye contact with matt and then saw me, and her eyes lit up. She had a huge smile grow across her face, and she came over and hugged me.

"It's so nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you!" She beamed.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you Mrs. Sturniolo! Matt has told me so much about you, he's very much a mamma's boy," I grinned.

"Oh please, call me Marylou, I hope everything you heard was good! So tell me about yourself because all I hear from Matt is how beautiful you are," She laughed, causing me to blush, as we sat at the counter. 

"Well, My name is (Y/N) I mean you already know that, I met Matt through a mutual friend, I love reading, music, and baking, and I like your son very much," I grinned, for some reason it made me really nervous. 

"Oh don't be nervous, you're doing great, what type of stuff do you like to bake?" She gave my hand a little rub with a smile.

I relaxed a bit and talked to her about baking for a few minutes. We had changed the subject at least 12 times, as I had started telling her my whole life story at this point. She was the sweetest human I have ever met. She was so nice, and I felt so comfortable around her.

"I want you to know, you are welcome here any day, anytime, you could show up at two o' clock in the morning and i wouldn't care one bit, I want you to know this is a safe space," She grinned at me. 

This made me feel amazing, since home life was pretty tricky. "Thank you," I grinned.

"You know Matt, she's a real keeper," She looked at her son and I saw a grin form on her face.

"I know she is,"


I hope you all enjoyed the first imagine !

If you have any suggestions or requests there's the request page, just leave them in the comments !

Remember you're loved <333

591 Words 

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